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same story as last part, just fluff

tomura had acting weird for almost a month now, and it was something the entire league picked up on. especially dabi. dabi noticed everything about tomura. tomura was more fidgety than normal, as well as scratching his neck more. in addition to that, he was agitated more easily, and it didn't take much to make him angry. of course, there wasn't much of a reason for his new attitude, even he didn't know what started causing it. maybe it was the fact that he had been planning a lot of things for the league, and the stress was catching up to him. that's most likely what it was.

tomura was laid out on his bed, staring at the ceiling. everything was just too loud in his head. he was snapped out of his thoughts when his door slammed open. he shot up and stared at the figure in his doorway. dabi. tomura stared at the taller as he shut the door behind him.

"what are you doing in here." tomuras voice came out raspy and broken. his voice was always raspy, but never to this extent.

"you've been acting weird for like a month now! what the hell, boss?" dabi sat down next to tomura, who quickly scooted away

"since when do you fuckin care about me?" tomura asked dabi

"i always have, ya damn prick. what's up?" dabi asked tomura, pulling tomura over to him. tomura didn't reject this time, and instead cuddled into dabi. he was warm, for obvious reasons

"i dunno...stress? i've been planning our next thing but i still don't know how we're fully gonna execute it. maybe if we-"

"tomura. take a break. that's the reason you've been acting weird. your burning yourself out. when was the last time you showered?"

"i dunno... last week maybe? not important-"

"but it is. come on." dabi stood up and picked tomura up, bridal style.

"what are you doing! put me down!" tomura struggled in dabis arms, but he still didn't let go. they pair got to tomuras bathroom, and dabi sat him on the sink. dabi started to run the water making it slightly above warm. once it was ready, he turned to tomura.

"take off your clothes so i can clean you." dabi sighed. tomura hesitantly obeyed and took of his t-shirt, jeans and boxers.

tomura pov

i lowered myself into the water, shivering as the warmth flowed through me. dabi turned me to the side, so my back was facing him, and grabbed my shampoo. he started to wash my hair, i leaned into the feeling, smiling softly as he practically massaged my scalp. once he got it all through my hair. he leaned me down to rense it, but he made sure to keep my mouth and nose out of the water. he grabbed the body wash and looked at me.

"i'm gonna wash your body now, and that includes your legs and waist, just don't get the wrong idea, ok, baby?" i blushed as he called me baby but nodded. he started to clean my neck and chest, ignoring the numerous scars on both. he got to my hips, and he pulled me out of the water a little. he grabbed a rag and poured some soap on it. he started to run the rag across my legs. he put me back in the water and kissed my forehead.

"now you're all clean!" dabi smiled. he drained the water and stood me up. he grabbed my clothes and sat me on the sink. he pulled my t shirt back onto me, and he grabbed a pair of shorts too. he pulled those onto my legs and took me to my bed. he laid me down, and got in the bed next to me.

"feel better?" he asked

"astronomically so."

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