n i dont care if they little, put them boobs in my face🌹

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🏳️‍⚧️trans tomura🏳️‍⚧️
if this seems weird that i'm writing this cus u think i'm cis, i'm trans dw.

tomura pov

dabi and i were laying on my bed, talking. i wanted to come out to him as trans, but i wasn't sure as to how he'd react. dabi was talking about his little brother, and i inhaled sharply. dabi looked at me and sat up.

"what's up, shawty?" i laughed at the nickname and dabi started laughing too

"i-i promise i didn't m-mean to say sh-shawty. now, what's up?" he said through laughs.

"yeah yeah, shawty, so dabi. i wanted to tell you something." i sighed. dabi nodded and scooted closer to me. he pressed a kiss to my cheek and looked at me.

"what's up, baby?" dabi asked, grabbing my hands.(he haz glovez on dw)

"i'm-...i'm trans. like magne, but like the opposite. ftm." i exhaled. dabi stared at me for a second.

"is that why you never take off your shirt? in front of others i mean." dabi asked. i nodded. he nodded and thought for a second. he pulled me into a hug and kissed my neck.

"you still love me, right dabi?" i hugged him back tightly

"of course i do. you're still a guy aren't you?" he kissed my neck on the opposite side. i smiled softly. i thought of how many things i had turned down doing with dabi because i didn't want him to know, but now he knows. i buried my face into his shoulder and smiled.

"quick few questions. and you can just say 'dabi shut up it's none of your business' if you want, but did you not take off your shirt because of surgery scars or because you still have tits?" dabi asked, pulling me closer to him.

"oh, it's because i haven't gotten the surgery yet. i probably never will, because i'm a criminal and if i go to a doctor they could do it, but they'd arrest me after and shit, but my chest is small enough to wear i don't get dysphoric about it unless other people, who i don't want to see it, see it." i explained. dabi nodded and kissed my cheek.

"and the other one, are you on hormones or something? because you have the deep voice and the masculine build?" dabi asked, pulling my arm up and kissing the underside of my arm.

"yeah, master made kurogiri go out and steal some testosterone for me when i was 14. but now i have to steal it myself because kurogiris in prison." i sighed. dabi nodded and kissed the palm of my hand. i leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, and dabi kissed back.

"i love you, tomy." dabi smiled and kissed my knuckles.

"love you too, dabi. also, what's with all the pda, love?" i smiled.

"mm i dont know. i just like kissing you." dabi smiled back. i pressed dabis and my lips together again, and dabi put his hands on either side of my face.

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