im not gay.🌹

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"im not gay!" -a thing said by most gay people right before they realise theyre gay

cw// f slur, internalised homophobia i guess

third person pov

dabi walked up the stairs from the bar and staired at tomuras door. the boss hadnt left his room in a week, which is concerning to say the least. dabi leaned against the slightly broken door, and knocked.

"fuck off." tomura called from his bed. dabi did the exact opposite and forced the door open. it wasnt locked, it just had a hard time opening because of how broken it was.

"do you not know what fuck off means?"

"i do, its just youre fun to mess with." dabi gave tomura a shit-eating grin. dabi looked around the room and stopped once he saw a rainbow flag and a green flag that faded into white, then into blue.

"what the hell are those?" dabi asked, pointing to the flags

"rainbow flag symbolises the metire community and the green and blue one is the gay male flag" tomura explained tiredly.

"so youre a fag-" tomura sat straight up and looked at dabi

"excuse me." tomura stared at the burned male.

"thats so gross." dabi glared at the flags

"what do you mean?" tomura questioned

"i mean the whole you being gay thing. its disgusting." dabi looked down at tomura

"you came into MY room. also why the fuck do you care? it doesnt effect you." tomura raised his eyebrow

"you like guys, and youre a guy, thats not right" dabi spat.

"thanks man." tomura said sarcastically

"well how do you know your gay? i mean have you ever fucked a woman?" dabi asked

"how do you know your straight? have you ever fucked a guy?" tomura replied, mockingly as he stood up from his bed

"no! that's disgusting, im not gay!" dabi stepped closer to tomura.

"so why should i have to fuck a woman to know im gay? i" tomura also stepped closer to dabi.

"because im normal! im not a faggot!" dabi continued to step closer to tomura

"jesus will you stop calling me that!" tomura snapped

"no! thats what you are!" dabi spat, still walking closer to the bluenette. they continued to argue and get closer to eachother, until their chests were pressed together.

"and you just dont like girls?" dabi snapped

"yeah! you dont like men, whats your problem?!" tomura backed up a little. instead of replying, dabi just groaned and pulled tomura back to him, pressing their lips together. tomuras eyes widened but he leaned into it. tomura put his hands on dabis face, and pulls himself closer to dabi.

dabi quickly pulled away and they both stared at eachother.

"did you...did we...i thought you...w-what?" tomura stared at dabi, his cheeks slightly red. dabi just thought for a second. he pulled tomura by his arm and pressed their lips back together. dabi wrapped tomura in his arms and made the both of them fall onto tomuras bed. tomura gasped softly when his back hit the mattress, and dabi took that as an opportunity to shove his tongue into tomuras mouth. tomura wrapped his legs around dabis waist, and his arms around dabis neck, deepening the kiss.

dabi pulled away and looked at tomura

"that was...that was nice." dabi smiled, and tomura nodded in agreement.

"dabi? question."

"whatz up, shigs?" dabi looked at tomura

"do you still think im gross?" tomura smirked.

"oh fuck off" dabi laughed

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