cuddle time🌹

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no quirk au

tomura and i had gone to a bar together. it was nice. i was going to be driving us home so i didn't drink much.

"h-hey, dabi -hic-" tomura called softly

"yes, shigs?"i answered, looking at the beautiful man on my left

"w-we should -hic- go to y-your place." he smiled.

i smiled softly shrugged.

"i mean, sure." i helped him stand and we walked to my car.


once we got to my place, tomura sloppily dragged me to my own room.

he pushed me onto my bed and and laughed

"what are we doing?" i laughed.

he didn't answer, he just pulled my shirt off and kissed me.

i kissed back softly, but pulled away.

he groaned in disappointment.

he started to undo my belt, but i grabbed his wrists.

"tomura. youre drunk. it wouldn't be right." i whispered softly, kissing his cheek.

"but daaaaabiiii!" tomura whined.

"youre. drunk." i snapped. i grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and handed them to tomura.

"get dressed in this. it will be more comfortable when you go to sleep." i said.

he went to the bathroom and shut the door.

i got dressed in something similar. i opened the bathroom door and tomura was staring himself down in the mirror. i wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into the bed.

"d-dabi what are y-"

"shhh. cuddle time." I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his neck.

"ok..." he smiled

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