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third person pov

tomura had acting weird for almost a month now, and it was something the entire league picked up on. especially dabi. dabi noticed everything about tomura. tomura was more fidgety than normal, as well as scratching his neck more. in addition to that, he was agitated more easily, and it didn't take much to make him angry. of course, there wasn't much of a reason for his new attitude, even he didn't know what started causing it. maybe it was the fact that he had been planning a lot of things for the league, and the stress was catching up to him. that's most likely what it was.

tomura was laid out on his bed, staring at the ceiling. everything was just too loud in his head. he was snapped out of his thoughts when his door slammed open. he shot up and stared at the figure in his doorway. dabi. tomura stared at the taller as he shut the door behind him.

"what are you doing in here." tomuras voice came out raspy and broken. his voice was always raspy, but never to this extent.

"you've been acting weird for like a month now! what the hell, boss?" dabi sat down next to tomura, who quickly scooted away

"since when do you fuckin care about me?" tomura asked dabi

"i always have, ya damn prick. what's up?" dabi asked tomura, pulling tomura over to him. tomura didn't reject this time, and instead cuddled into dabi. he was warm, for obvious reasons

"i dunno...stress? i've been planning our next thing but i still don't know how we're fully gonna execute it. maybe if we-"

"tomura. take a break. that's the reason you've been acting weird. your burning yourself out. if it's stress that's fucking you up, i know a great thing to help you unwind..." dabi chuckled

"oh? what is i-" tomura got cut off by a gasp as dabi placed his hand on tomuras crotch.

"all you have to do is stay stop at anytime~" dabi smirked, kissing tomuras cheek as he started to palm the shorters member. tomura moved closer to dabi, loving the feeling of dabis hand. dabi placed his face in the crook of tomuras neck, but then moved away from tomura, taking his hand away too.

"the stress made you lose the motivation to bathe. your hair smells like ass. we're getting in the bath." dabi stated

"w-we?" tomura blinked.

"we." dabi said. he took off his clothes, starting with his jacket, and ending with his jeans. boxers were for the bathroom. he walked over to tomura and pulled his jacket off. he took tomuras shirt off next and made sure to kiss tomuras collar bones as he did. the jeans came next, and tomura blushed as he watched dabi pull his pants off. dabi picked the shorter up and walked into tomura's bathroom.

tomura pov

dabi placed me down on the sink and went over to my shower. he turned the water on and got it warm, and then put the drain plug in. i jumped off of the sink and took my boxers off, dabi doing the same. he got into the water and held out his arms for me to get into. i slowly get into the warm water, chills going up my spine as i did. dabi pulled me into his chest and kissed my neck.

"let's fix that hair of yours." he whispered, nipping at my ear. i shivered at he did that. i heard something squirt into dabis hand, and then i heard him start rubbing his hands together. soon enough, i felt his hands in my hair, making sure to get all over my scalp. dabi put his mouth back to my neck and smelled my hair.

"much better, baby~" he pulled me backwards, putting my head into the water to rinse out my hair. once all the shampoo was out, he let me back up.

"shigi, give me that body wash." dabi commanded, pointing at my body wash. i nodded and quickly handed it to him. he squirted some out into his hands and rubbed his hands together again. he started  to wash my body, beginning with my neck. which stung, because of how much i scratch it. it felt like he was putting alcohol on cuts, because he kind of was. he moved to my arms and shoulders, making sure to wash my hands as well. he was careful not to touch all of my fingers at the same time. them, he moved to my chest and back. as he moved further down my chest, i felt him pulling me closer to him.

he got to my hips and slowly snaked his hand around my member. i gasped softly as he started pumping his hand, and i closed my eyes and laid my head back on his shoulder.

"d-dabi-" i moaned out quietly.

"yes, baby?" he replied as he picked me up and sat me on his own member, not taking his hand away. i felt him start grinding his hips against me, still moving his hand.

"f-fuck..." i moaned softly. he did this for a little bit, and soon i knew i was close

"mmm~ d-dabi...i'm c-close~" dabi nodded and started to bite my neck and shoulder, pumping his hand faster as he did.

"me too, baby~" dabi continued to grind against me. i soon released into the water, dabi releasing too.

"good thing we're bathing." he smirked, kissing my cheek as he started putting soap on his hands again. he started putting the soap on my legs and ass, kissing me softly every now and then. once he finished cleaning me, he stood both of us up. he sat me on the sink again and grabbed my boxers. he put them on for me. i blushed as he got close to my member again. he put on his own boxers and we went back to my bed. he went to my dresser and grabbed some shorts and a t shirt. he handed them to me, and i started to get dressed. i put the shirt behind me on the bed as i pulled my shorts on. i turned around to grab the shirt, and dabi squeezed my ass the second i did.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK-" i was blushing while also laughing. dabi, too, was laughing as he pulled his hand away.

i grabbed the shirt and turned back to face dabi, still blushing. i pulled it over my and was almost immediately tackled onto the bed.

"do you feel better now?" dabi asked, kissing my neck

"mm what's gonna happen if i say no?" i smiled

"well, i'll do that again, just i'll actually fuck you this time." dabi smiled back, kissing me on the lips as he sat up. i laughed and sat up with him, laying my head on his chest.

"for now i'm feeling better." i told him. he smiled and kissed my cheek

"good." dabi kissed my cheek again

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