sharing is caring🌹

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third person pov

dabi stood infront of tomuras door for what felt like hours, however in reality he had only been there for all of 2 minutes. eventually he knocked and the blue haired man's door, and waited.

there was some shuffling and some crashing behind the door before tomura opened his door and stared at dabi.

"the fuck do you want, dabi?" tomura asked

"hey, boss! i was wondering if you maybe wanted to watch a movie with me? well actually me and the homies." dabi smiled at tomura

"the 'homies'?" tomura repeated

"twice, lizard, blood girl, and magne." dabi laughed softly

"twice, spinner, toga, magne," tomura whispered to himself. he looked at dabi before shaking his head, "no. i'm busy." before tomura could shut his door, dabi stuck his foot into the slot between the door and the frame.

"cmon, boss, please? it'll be nice. we could all get closer, and since your our boss we need to be close don't we?" dabi leaned against the frame.


"boss. pretty pretty please?" dabi pouted.

"fucking- fine. when and where." tomura asked

"twices room, and at about 5 o'clock." dabi smiled. tomura nodded.

"ok! i'll meet you at your room at 4:40, sound good?" tomura grimaced. dabi loved looking at tomura. his eyes looked especially nice right now. his hair looked so soft.

"yeah, i'll see you there!" dabi smiled. tomura smiled back and hugged dabi. as dabi walked back to his room and smiled. he was gonna hang out with his friends and a dude he liked. it was a dream come true.

dabi pov

i waited for about an hour, and at exactly 4:40, tomura knocked on my door. i walked over and opened the door, smiling at the slightly shorter.

"hey, boss!" i leaned against the door frame and stared at him

"hi. so, twices room is where again?" he asked.

"oh well its the 5th door, cmon!" i grabbed tomuras hand. i felt a smug look grown onto my face, just from holding his hand, but tomura soon ripped his hand away from me. we got to twices door and i cleared my throat.

"hey, twicey wicey! let me in" i knocked loudly. after a second twice opned the door, and he looked at tomura

"i forgot you were bringing the boss- you actually brought him! come on in- stay out of my room." twice let us in. magne and toga were already there, and they were sitting with their backs against hantas bed, holding hands.(PLATONICAKLY)

"hey, fire boy!" toga waved

"hey, magne, toga." i waved at both of the girls.

"hey, fire boy- wait you brought boss?" toga blinked at tomura

"i wanted to bring the boss, man." i laughed

"oooh ok. just don't let him give me his fuckin tomura germs" toga sighed

"my what?" tomura blinked

"you heard me." immediately after toga finished speaking, spinner ran in and pushed past me and tomura. he slid down onto the floor and sat next to the blood girl. twice sat next to him, and i sat next to twice. tomura sat on the other side of me and i pulled him close. he tried to push me off but after a second or too he just shrugged and let me hold him. i smiled and pat his leg.

"so, twice, what are we watching?" i asked

"i hate movies- fight club." twice smiled to himself, grabbing his remote and turning on his tv.

"dont you have all the dialogue memorized by now? can't we watch something different? something scary?" magne asked.

"like what?" twice looked at her.

"scream." tomura and magne said at the same time. they looked at eachother for a second before directing their attention back to twice.

"i love that movie! never seen it, but sure." twice started to type scream into the search bar.

"wait. you've never seen scream?" toga looked at twice

"sorry, nope- it's really good!." twice laughed

"wow you must have bad movie taste." toga scoffed. twice laughed and pulled up the movie.

"hey, dabi, can you go get us blankets? twice has some in his closet." spinner pointed at twices closet. i nodded and looked for blankets. i was gonna need 5 so that way we could all have our own separate one—except for magne and toga, they like sharing a blanket—but there were only 4 blankets. i pulled them out and sat back down. i explained that there were only 4 so two of us would have to share.

"i'll share with spinner! i'm not sharing with lizard boy. gimme that." twice ripped a blanket away from me. toga grabbed a blanket and put it over her and magne. spinner looked at me and smiled.

"why don't you share with boss?" he grabbed the second to last blanket. i stared at it before nodding. i grabbed the blanket and put it over us.

"it's just a blanket, dabi." he shrugged and pat his legs softly.


the movie eventually ended, and it was time for us to all be evicted from twices room. tomura and i walked down the hall to my room, and we stopped infront of my door.

"i'm not surprised you like those kinds of movies. you seem like a scream fan." i laughed, looking down at my feet.

"what can i say, they're just fun." he looked at his feet as well. i smiled and opened my door.

"hey boss?" i called. tomura looked at me.

"sup?" he started to scratch around his eyes.

"thank you, i had fun tonight." he smiled before hugging me tightly. i hugged back and smiled.

"of course, i'm glad you had fun, boss." as i was about to walk into my room, tomura grabbed my shirt and pulled me close to him, and pressed a long kiss to my lips. his lips were chapped but at the same time so soft. i wrapped my arms around his body and held him tightly, deepening our kiss. he pulled away and started to walk 2 doors down, to his room. i just stared at him for a second, a smile coming to my face.

"i love you, boss." i smiled, blushing softly.

"just call me tomura. i love you too, dabi." he walked into his room.

if there are any misplaced names plz tell me

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