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hero au
tomura doesn't have the scar on his lip or under his eye and dabi doesn't have his scars either
again they'll go by their original namez n they have their original hair colourz in this
why do i keep giving tomura a praise kink

touya pov

tenko and i were walking home from a long day of hero-ing. we fought 3 different villains, all within 2 hours of each other. tenko was really tired, but i can't blame him. his quirk is really good for recon, so he had to save a lot of people today.

we got to the house, and i opened the door for him. he walked over to the couch, and fell into the cushions.

"you ok, baby?" i asked, walking over and standing above him.

"tired..." tenko yawned

"let me get you to the bedroom." i smiled, causing him to hum in response. i picked him up bridal style, and he wrapped his arms around my shoulder. after a few seconds, i felt his arms drop, and i looked down at him. his eyes were closed and his mouth was parted slightly. his breathing was slow and calm. he was asleep.

"aren't you peaceful" i stated, and i walked into our bedroom. i moved tenko a little so that way he could sit in only one arm, and i pulled the covers back. i laid him down carefully and pulled his jacket and shirt off. i unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off. i threw his clothes in the laundry basket and sighed. it would get hot if he kept them on. i pulled the covers over him and moved his black hair out of his face, pressing a soft kiss onto his forehead. i walked out of the room and walked to the kitchen.

"while tenkos asleep, might as well make some food." i smiled to myself. i opened the fridge and pulled out some ingredients out

~time skip bc i don't wanna write out what dabis making~

i finished eating and i put my plate in the sink. i rinsed the plate off and put it in the dishwasher. i turned around and nearly jumped out of my fucking skin. i saw my husband suddenly standing behind me. he was wearing one of my t-shirts, which was too big for him. it fell right underneath his hips, and the sleeves went down way past his fingertips

"sorry for scaring you." he yawned.

"it's fine, baby." i kissed his forehead. he smiled and hugged me tightly. i hugged him back and smiled. after a second i felt something press against my leg. i looked down and saw tenko blushing a lot. oh

"oh?" i chuckled, and reached my hand down to touch him. i pressed my hand against his hard member and he inhaled sharply.

"t-touya" he gripped my sleeves tightly. i just chuckled and picked him up. i took him to our room and put him on the bed. i got on top of him and smiled. i pressed my hand against his member and started to palm him softly. tenko shut his eyes tightly and started to moan.

"do you wanna do this now, baby?~ i mean, you do deserve a reward after today~" i continued to palm him.

"p-please, n-now, touya~" tenko started to grip my arms again.

"ok, baby~" i smiled. i pressed a kiss to his lips and started to pull his underwear down. tenkos erection sprang out as if it had been suffocating. i wrapped my fingers around his member and slowly started moving my hand. after a second tenko whined softly.

"t-touya- f-faster, please!" tenko started to reach for my hand. i quickly moved and grabbed his wrists with my free hand, pinning them above his head. i let go of tomuras wrists and took my hand off of his member.

"patience, baby~ all good things to those who wait~" i kissed his neck softly. the torn skin felt weird against my lips, but it was something i had gotten used to. it's something i had grown to enjoy.

"do you want me to prep you?" i asked, rubbing tenkos hip softly. he shook his head 'no'

"i want i-it now. i-i don't need p-prep." tenko pressed our lips together. i pulled away from the kiss to unbuckle my pants and pull them down. i pulled my shirt off, and tenko followed suit. once we were both naked, we kissed again, and i positioned myself between his legs. i still had my lips pressed to his, and i started to press myself into him. he didn't wince or whimper, which is a good sign.

third persons pov

touya bottomed out and waited for tenkos signal. the second tenko nodded, touya started to move. he moved at a steady pace, it was fast but not too fast.

"t~touya!~" tenko moaned. touya but into tenkos neck, causing the shorter to moan loudly. he started sucking on the skin, and once he was satisfied he marked the rest of the shorter's neck. as touya was marking his lover, he was alto trying to find a certain bundle of nerves inside of tenko.

he knew when he found it, because the shorter started moaning immediately, clinging onto touya for dear life.

"t~touya!~  r~right th~there!~" tenko moaned out, wrapping his legs around touya. touya smirked and started slamming into tenkos prostate.

"y~you're doing so g~good, t~tenko~ s~such a good b~boy you a~are~" touya smiled. tenko loved the praise. he loved when touya praised him. he started to tighten his grip around the taller and dug his nails into touyas back. touya reached his hand underneath himself and started to jack tenko off in time with his thrusts.

"T~TOUYA!~ F~FUCK!~" tenko screamed, and started to drag his nails down touyas back.

"th~thats a good b~boy~" touya chuckled.

"I L~LOVE Y~Y~YOU, T~TOUYA!~ I L~LOVE YOU S~SO MUCH! F~FUCK!~" tenko screamed, and bit into touyas shoulder.

"i l~love you t~too, baby~ y~you're doing so g~good, baby, so good~" touya kissed tenkos forehead. tenko let go of touyas shoulder and looked up at his lover.

"t~touya!~ i'm c~close!~" tenko moaned.

"m~me too, dear." touya kissed tenko, and started to jack tomura off faster, and sped up his hips movements too.

"T~TOUYA!~" tenko screamed as he came all over his and touyas chests, as well as touyas hand. the red head licked his hand, not leaving any of the white substance left.

"a~almost th~there, baby~ you did s~so g~good." touya kissed his lover's neck. touya soon released inside of tenko, muttered a small "fuck" before pulling out. tenko pressed his lips to touyas and smiled.

"i-i love you, t-touya." tenko smiled sweetly

"i love you too, dear." touya kissed tenko again

"did you enjoy your reward?" touya kissed at tomuras practically red neck. it was red from all the hickies

"yeah. i did. i really did." tenko giggled


guyz they had gay segz

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