so cool🌹

812 10 6

hero au
tomura and dabi go by their original names

touya pov

i slammed the door to my house shut, and ran over to the couch. i immediately fell into the cushions and groaned.

"touya! you're home!" i heard my husband call, and then i heard feet quickly patting towards me. i opened my arms slightly and he jumped into them.

"hey, tenko." i smiled, and kissed his forehead.

"so! how did the hero-ing go? save anyone?" tenko asked. i smiled and grabbed the tv remote, turning on the tv. it was already showing the news of what happened. tenko sat up, still straddling me, and looked at the tv.

"-injured, and 0 dead. pro heroes dabi, magne, and spinner fought and apprehended the villain, and made sure that all civilians were ok. spinner saved 10 adults, and 7 children. magne saved 23 adults and 6 children. and dabi saved 38 adults and 12 children. all together they saved 96 people."

"38 and 12!? that's like-!..." tenko thought for a second

"50 people" i whispered.

"50 people! that's so cool!" tenko smiled and hugged me again.

"thank you, my love."

"god heroes are so cool...i'm so happy i'm married to one." tenko kissed my cheek quickly. tenkos always been obsessed with heroes, even since he was a baby. he always wanted to be one but he decided it wasn't worth the risk.

"and i'm so happy i'm married to you." i kissed his nose.

"saving all those people...that's so cool, babe." tenko smiled, and kissed my neck.

"i mean i guess. i liked seeing how happy their friends and family were to see their loved one alive." i pressed a kiss to my husbands cheek. 

"youre so cool, touya." tenko wrapped his arms around me.

"thank you, baby. you're cool too, my love." i kissed his forehead.

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