just stop it, dabi🥀

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cw// cheating
tomura pov

he did it again. i could see some yellow hairs on his coat, along with a few red feather strands. i don't know why i stay with him, but regardless i sat next to my scarred boyfriend.

"hey, dabs." i called softly, pouring myself a small drink from the bar

"hey, baby." he responded, taking the bottle i had and pouring his own drink. i took a sip of my drink, soon feeling dabis fingers wrap in mine.

"you know that i love you and would die for you, right?" dabi asked, kissing my head. i nodded with a smile. part of me still believed that. or at least i wanted to. i wrapped my arms around his chest and held him as tight and as close as possible. dabi wrapped his arms around me back, petting my hair as he did.

"you did it again..." i whispered, my voice cracking as i started to tear up.

"no, baby, i promise. i wouldn't do it again, my jackets just dirty. i-"

"stop lying to me. at least admit it to yourself." i snapped


"what? i'm not mad-" yes i am "-i just wish that you'd stop."

"baby, you know how haw-"

"stop fucking blaming it on hawks! it's you! it's entirely you! you plan the meetings between you and him! it's all you! fuck!" i felt my anger rising, faster than i wanted it to.

"shigi-" he cut himself off. he wrapped he in his arms and kissed me softly. i kissed back and started crying into the kiss.

"i'm sorry." he whispered as he pulled away

"no you're not" i sighed, standing up and turning around


"just come to our room when you've forgotten about hawks."  i snapped. i walked up the stairs and too my room, locking the door behind me. dabi has a key he'll be fine. i fell onto my bed and passed out almost immediately.

i woke up to the feeling of the bed dipping, meaning someone else was now on the bed. it was dabi. i rolled over and wrapped my arms around him. his arms wrapped back around my waist.

"feelin better?" he asked, not wanting to upset me

"much. now shut up." i sighed, starting to fall asleep again.

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