chaser? what do you take me for, a pussy?🌹

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dabi pov

i stared at tomura from across the bar. i was sitting on one of the stools and he was rummaging around for a drink that appealed to him. as he stared at the many bottles of vodka, rum, whiskey, and beer, tomura dug his nails into his neck, ripping the skin and allowing a stream of red to go down his neck. tomuras nails were jagged and short, meaning he probably bit them until they were a length he liked.  tomura pulled his hand away for a brief moment to tie his hair into a pony tail, then placing his nails direnctly into his open wound again. he scratched at a certain spot that made himself gasp in pain and rip his hand away. he held his hand to his neck and turned to a cabinet to grab a bandage. he peeled the wrapping and placed the adhesive onto his neck, covering the wound. once he was content with the bandage he started to look at the alcohol again. he grabbed some spiced rum and put it on the counter. he grabbed to glasses, filled them both with ice from a cooler, and started to pour the rum into the glasses. he grabbed a coke bottle and poured a little into his glass.

"you want a chaser or are you not a pussy?" he asked me.

"a chaser? god no. i really don't need anything but the bottle, but i doubt you'd let me drink away your favourite alcohol." i smiled.

"yeah, absolutely not. so no ice, i'm guessing?" tomura looked at me. i nodded and he scooped the ice back into the cooler. once both of our drinkers were ready, he slid it to me. we raised our glasses and pressed them together with a small 'clink'. he pressed the cup to his lips and downed his drink. i downed mine in a similar fashion and smiled at boss.

"hey, boss. doesn't it embarrass you that youre dating your subordinate?" i smiled at tomura.

"nah. it makes me feel good. i have someone as cool as you, and people fear us together." tomura shrugged. he put his hand on the other side of his neck. he started to dig his nails into the skin but before he could repeat the process of earlier , i grabbed his wrist. he tried to jerk his hand away from me but i kept it in place.

"stop that. your causing yourself serious harm, and i don't want you to end up looking me." i laughed, kissing tomuras hand softly

"as if i would ever get that ugly." tomura was still trying fo pull his hand away, but he was still smiling.

"uh-huh. but seriously. the neck thing is a habitual you need to break-"

"then you need to stop scratching the skin around your staples. you get all upset when a staple comes undone, but it's your fault. agitating the staple or area around it by scratching and what not it makes them come loose quicker." tomura spat, placing his hand on one of my staples.

"whatever." i laughed, starting to scratch my lip before putting my hand down.

"see? we both have bad itchy habits." tomura smiled.

"whatever. just seriously, it's bad for you and your skin." i kissed his hand again.

"my skin doesn't mess looking after, i can just clean it in water in everything's good."

"yeah and your skin is so dusty you need lotion."

"uh huh yeah and you needed some serious aloe vera when you were younger but you never got that and here we are." tomura smiled

"that's not fair! i didn't know this was gonna happen!" i laughed, pointing to the purple burns on my my face and arms.

"and i didn't know this was gonna happen. we're even." tomura pointed to his neck and eyes.

"whatever, give me more rum-"

"nuh-uh. this is mine. i don't like sharing this one. drink something else. like water." tomura grabbed a water bottle. i snatched it from his hand and stuck my tongue out. tomuras hand started to reach for his neck, but i quickly grabbed his wrist.

"no. bad boss. bad." i reprimanded him like a puppy.

"i'm not a fuckin dog, dabi. it's force of happy and my neck itches. should i just let it it h?" he cocked and eyebrow at me

"yes. duh." i flicked him in the head.

"i'm not going to-"

"kiss already." magne said, suddenly behind me, causing both me and tomura to jump.

"when did you get here?" i asked, staring at her

"like 3 minutes ago. i only just now started watching you two though. i love it, it's like a really bad reality tv show, and i love those." magne laughed, walking up the stairs to her room.

sorry if this sucks i have writers block and i wanted you to have something

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