pretty boy🥀

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tw// grooming, implied abuse/sexual assault

tenko sat outside of his home, dust on his fingers. it was an accident. he didn't mean to hurt anyone. he was just a kid. 5 years old. his eye was bleedng, as were his lips. he had his shaggy black hair dangling in front of his crimson eyes.

"p-please...all me." he whimpered softly. he needed a hero, and he needed one bad.

however, he got quite the opposite.

"you've had a hard life, tenko shimura." a man smiled. tenko looked up and wiped his eyes

"w-what?" the man didn't reply, he just picked tenko up and carried him away.


tenko was 10 now. the cuts on his face from that day had scarred over, and his hair was still that shaggy black. he did miss his father a little... but all for one was his new father almost. kurogiri also played a fatherly role. kurogiri was the nicer one, but it wasn't about niceness. it was about becoming a weapon. even tenko knew that.

he was woken by falling on the floor, his bed nowhere to be seen. it was about 10 at night.

"not again..." he started crying. he wiped his eyes profusely as he started getting louder. he started to scratch around his eyes as he cried. he heard footsteps approaching his room and then the door creak open.

"tomura shigaraki? are you alright? where is your bed?" kurogiri asked

"i a-acc-accidentally d-destroyed it-"

"oh, dear. i'll need to get you gloves for that. let me inform all for one about the bed." kurogiri kissed tenkos forehead. tenko smiled softly and sat on his floor as kurogiri left. like i said, kurogiri was like a father to him.


tenko was 15. his hair was a light blue now. all for one had learned how to use tenkos weaknesses against him to make him do things. tenko felt he had to trust all for one. he did raise tomura, didn't he? kurogiri would always prepare tenko for training with all for one.

"tomura shigaraki...we're almost ready to start building you a team. we just need mor-"

"no! i don't want to do that again!" tenko cried, cutting kurogiri off.

"tomura, it will be ok-"

"no! he's gonna take my quirk again! he always does it and it hurts!" tenko cried. kurogiri pulled tenko up into his arms and sighed.

"he won't hurt you. i promise." kurogiri lied. he knew all for one was going to hurt tomura, he just couldn't do anything about it.


tenko was 16. all for one found different tactics to manipulate him. tomura was sitting on the floor of the training room, picking at a loose thread on his pants and waiting for all for one to say something.

"tomura, put on your gloves." all for one looked at the blue haired boy infront of him. tenko looked up at him and blinked, but did as he was told.

"hold your hands out to me." all for one commanded. tomura did as he was told, knowing where this is going.

"you have disappointed me again." all for one said, before grabbing tenkos wrists with one hand and his face with his other hand and taking his quirk. tomura screamed in pain, and started kicking all for ones his legs to try and get away. all for one dropped tenko and stared at the now powerless boy.

"m-master-" tomura whimpered. all for one looked at him, seeing the poor state tenko was now in. he picked tomura up by his wrists and smiled. he placed his hand on tenkos cheek and stared down at him.

tomura didn't remember much after that, just that when it was done, all for one was helping tenko pull his pants back on.


tomura was 20. he had made a group and a name for himself. all for one had just been eliminated by all might, and tomura felt off. he knew he should miss all for one, seeing as he was his father figure. but he didn't. he was almost relieved that all for one was gone.

he sat at a the bar, holding a cup of alcohol in his hand. he had his gloves on, and he was drinking to his hearts content. he was practically black out drunk now.

dabi walked down the stairs and started at his boss. tomura never really liked dabi, at least dabi thought he didn't. 

"hey, boss~" dabi teased, sitting next to the 20 year old.

"what do you want." tomura snapped, his words slurred together.

"someone's been drinking a lot." dabi stated, pulling tomuras drink away from him.

"h-hey! give that ba-" dabi cut tomura off by putting his finger on his boss's lips

"nope. let's get you back to your room." dabi smiled, holding his hand out for tomura to take

"i'm not a fuckin baby, i can wa-"tomura was cut off by dabi picking him up. they got to tomura's room and dabi set him down.

"you've been acting weird ever since that all for one guy got locked away. was he important to you or something?" dabi asked. tomura sat there.

"it's none of your god damn business." tomura snapped

"woah, boss, i was just askin a question. no need to be rude." dabi looked at his boss. all for one was obviously a touchy subject for him. dabi was about to stand up, but tomura grabbed his wrist.

"stay your ass in here." tomura snapped. dabi chuckled and laid down next to tomura.

"you alright, boss?" dabi asked, starting to play with tomuras hair.

"yeah. i'm fine." tomura started to smile to himself. tomura pulled dabi close to him. dabi pulled tomuras legs over his own, just so that way he was closer to him. tomura smiled and pulled away from dabi. tomura stood up and walked to the bathroom in his room, and grabbed a baby wipe. he ran the wipe all over his face, taking whatever makeup he had on off. the makeup was just some foundation and eyeliner.

tomura walked back to the bed and laid back next to dabi.

"ooh so tomura where's makeup? that's nice, pretty boy~" dabi smiled. tomura shoved dabi lightly and pulled himself closer to the other.


besties should i write more smut😈

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