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[kids :)]

[tw; implied abuse :(]

tomura pov

i yawned as i woke up. i didn't wake up naturally, mommy and daddy were arguing again.

"it's not my fault you gave birth to a freak! i wish he wasn't fucking born!" daddy yelled. he called me a freak...maybe he meant in like a cool way! cool people can be freaks.

"kotaro!" mommy seemed angrier by what he said

they started yelling louder about me being a "failed abortion". i don't knoe what that means though...maybe it's a good thing!

i stood up and grabbed my gloves from my bedside table. the gloves are for my quirk.

i opened my door and ran down the stairs. when i got to the floor, i saw daddy push mommy onto the floor. i ran over and sat down next to her.

"are you ok?" i asked, grabbing her hand

"yes, tenko. im ok" she smiled, sitting up. she stood up and looked at daddy. he just looked away from mommy and looked down at me. she picked me up and opened the front door.

"we're leaving for the day. dont expect us to come back until after 7." mommy said to daddy. i smiled and clapped my hands.

"where are we going?" i asked as she put me in my car seat.

"to my friends house." mommy sighed.

we pulled up to a large house and i gasped and clapped

"that's a big house, mommy!" i smiled. she smiled and picked me up from the back seat and walked up the stairs.

she knocked on the door and i crawled onto her back. some lady opened the door and i peaked over my mommy's shoulder. the lady had long white hair and grey eyes. i waved at her and she waved back. mommy walked in and plucked me off of her back.

"can tenko go play with your son?" mommy asked the other lady

"well of course he can! his room is down there on the left." she smiled. mommy took me down the hallway, placing me into a room with another kid.

"this is my friends son, touya, play nice tenko."

i nodded and smiled at mommy before she left the room. the other boy had fluffy red hair, and blue eyes.

"hi! i'm tenko shimura!" i stuck my hand out to the other kid

"..." he stared at my hand and looked up at me

"what's your name?" i asked, still smiling.

"...touya. touya todoroki." he touched my hand and played with my fingers. i giggled and pulled him down onto the floor with me.

he looked at my smile and reached his hand out to touch my face.

i bit his finger and smiled as he started to smile too

"your eye are really my hair" he smiled.

"yeah! we match!" i smiled brightly. he nodded. i scooted closer to him, and a picture fell out of my pocket.

"whats that?" touya asked, picking it up

"oh! its a picture of my grandmother, she was a pro hero! i got that from my mommy,she gave it to me because i love heroes. she calls me her little hero!" i smiled, holding the hand that had the finger that i bit.

"you like heroes?" he asked

"yeah! they're awesome!" i smiled. touya smiled and stood up. he grabbed something from his closet. it was a plushy! he handed it to me and moved closer to me. i pulled him into a hug and and giggled

"thank you, touya!" i smiled, moving to set in lap.

touya ran his fingers through my jet black hair and pulled me closer. we played with toys and i kept the plushie next to me for hours.

it became really dark after a while and mommy knocked on the door.

"hey, little hero? we're gonna be staying the night ok?" she smiled

i smiled brightly and started to jump up and down

"YAY! I GET TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH TOUYA!" i picked him up with a hug and spun him around.

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