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tomura and dabi go by their original names in this👍

cw// kind of non-con

tenko pov

i finished talking with the todorokis about my instructions. i walked in and looked at the two kids on the couch.

one looked around my age, maybe even older, and then other looked like he was around 8 or 9. the older one had blue eyes. his hair was black with white streaks here and there. hot. he looked weird, but he was hot.

"the older one also has to be supervised, because last time we let him babysit his brother...we'll just say it didn't go well." his mom laughed. the older one looked up as she talked and rolled his eyes. i could hear him mutter 'it was just a small house fire.'

"oh! i almost forgot to tell you their names! that's touya," she pointed at the older, "and that's natsuo!" she pointed to the younger.

i nodded and smiled. the parents left and i shut the door behind them.

i walked over to the younger, natsuo, and stuck out my gloved hand.

"i'm tenko shimura!" i smiled

he smiled a little and shook my hand.

i looked at the older, touya. he stood up and held his hand out. i shook his hand and smiled at him. his face blushed softly and whispered something to natsuo. his brother nodded and i just shrugged it off.


a few hours later touya came up to me.

he dragged me to his room and pinned me against his door.

"w-what are you-" he cut me off by kissing me. i mean he was weird but...i didn't expect this.

i didn't care. i kissed back and put my arms around his neck. he grinded his hips against mine, causing me to moan softly. he pressed his tongue into my mouth and our tongues fought for a second, of course he won but still. he grabbed my shoulders and forced me onto my knees. i felt my face get warmer as i stared at his crotch. i looked up at him with slight confusion, and he looked down at me as if what he wanted was obvious. after a second of me staring up at him, he grabbed a lock of my hair and shoved my face closer to his crotch, and my face flushed immensely.

"a-are you serious!? we just met!" i started to try to pull away.

"and yet you kissed back. just do it, promise you won't regret it~" touya pulled my hair back, craning my head up to make me look at him. i blushed softly and hesitated.


"i said do it, tenko. im older than you, so you have to do what i say. you'll like it." touya pulled my head back to his member. i mean, it couldn't hurt. he was really pretty.

"...fine." i exhaled. i unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down. i pulled his boxers down too. god he was big.

i looked up at him and took some of his member into my mouth. he groaned as i started to bob my head up and down. he tightened his grip on my hair and forced me to take him in all the way. i gripped his thighs tightly, with my gloved hands, and after as he mouth-fucked me. soon, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and practically threw me on his bed. he jumped ontop of me and i soon felt his teeth digging deep into my neck.

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