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you guyz have had too much fluff. time to restore the balance. anywayz tw graphic description of death

hero au
everything is the same except tomura and dabi are heroes, and tomuras parents arent dead. meaning tomura never met all for one and he still has black hair, and tomura and dabi will be mostly referred to as their original names, touya and tenko

this is set in the stain arc

thrid person pov

dabi and dust.

real names, touya todoroki and tenko shimura.

these two heroes had risen highly in popularity since they became partners. dabis quirk was simple, just your average fire quirk, except this fire was blue. dust, well his quirk was just that. anything he toughed with all five fingers turned to dust. most people know the duo as just good friends. and that's all they were, right? two good friends who became heroes together, making their hero agency the same building, and decided to become partners. right?

yeah, no. they were married. and they had been for a while. they met when they were taking their provisional licensing tests, and hit it off on the way to the arena. they just became closer from there, until eventually they started dating and got married.

the two always fought villains together, and were rarely apart from each other. recently they've been trying to track down the hero killer stain. right now, they had videos, photos, and stories of stain pulled up on all of their monitors. they needed as much information as possible.

"did you hear about what happened with ingenium? that was in hosu right?" tenko looked up at touya.

"yeah, hosu. that means he'll probably stick around there for a while." the redhead nodded

"alright, we should patrol in hosu as soon as possible, then." tenko leaned back in his desk chair softly. touya nodded and stood up from the floor, walking over to his desk.  he sat down and stared at tenko. he had artist gloves on both hands, and he was tapping his fingers rapidly on the desk.

"hey, tenko, on a different note. do you plan on scouting any heroes course kids from UA for an internship? the sports festival just happened and they always let pro heroes scout the students for internships." touya looked at his husband.

"not really. do you?" tenko stopped tapping his fingers

"yeah. probably my little brother, shouto." touya nodded.

"i forgot that was your brother." tenko chuckled. touya laughed too, and decided to start working on the scouting for his little brother.


touya pov

i was patrolling with shouto, telling him certain things needed to be a hero, when suddenly his phone went off. i looked at my little brother as he stared at his phone. he looked at me for a second

"if im not back in 15 minutes, come get me." he said before starting to run off. i grabbed his arm and looked at him

"im coming with you, idiot. ill be behind you." i let go of his arm. he nodded and started to run again. i sighed and rubbed my forehead. i pulled out my phone and called tenko.

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