Start of something new Pt 1

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It's the first day of second semester in the University. Chaeyoung got up early, took a shower, got dressed, made breakfast and was all set to go. She lives alone in a rundown apartment just five minutes away from the University. It was a very prestigious university but Chaeyoung being a smart ass got a scholarship to attend the university. She didn't really have any friends at the University. They all thought she was poor to attend the university therefore no one really liked her, instead she got bullied. It was just verbal so she didn't try to stop it. Her parents lives further away from the university therefore she was living in a rundown apartment near her University.

"Books check, pens check......Oh shoot I nearly forgot my sports attire."  Chaeyoung said to herself. It was sports week in the University and every student was supposed to participate in it whether you like it or not. She then headed out to her university. While on the way she saw a few students who were from the same university. As always they were glaring at her and talking amongst themselves about her. Chaeyoung finally arrived at the University. When she was entering the gates she heard whispers.

"Oh my God look at her clothes. She looks poor." Student 1.

"I know right. I heard that she lives in that rundow apartment near University." Student 2.

"No way! Oh my god that place is for like the poor. How can she survive in a place like that? Oh right she's poor." student 1.

"Yeah. And she lives alone. I think her parents abandoned her because she was so ugly." Student 2.

Chaeyoung just ignore them and just headed to her class. When she entered the class and walk to her seat at the back of the class she again heard the whispers going on. As usual she ignored it all. She just put her head down and ignored everyone around her when suddenly....

"Hey! Is this seat free?" The girl asked. Chaeyoung wanted to see who was the first person that approached her was just to be met by an angel, or more like a penguin.

"Uh hey? Yes it's free but why are you trying to sit here and not in the front of the class?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Is it wrong to seat here instead of the front?" The girl asked.

"Well not really but no one really sits with me and you should know this because you're not a new student here. You know everyone hates me because I'm poor right? So why are you sitting here." Chaeyoung.

"I just wanna sit here next to you." The girl.

"See here, if you wanna Bully me or like make fun of me for being poor then do it outside the class. In the class let me learn, let me study and please don't disturb me. Now go away."

"I don't know why you keep thinking that I want to bully you or I'm here to make fun of you but I'm not. I just want to sit next to you. What's so hard to understand?"

"No one ever talks to me unless they want to bully me or make fun of me. That's why I think that you are here to bully me."

"Guess what? I'm not here to bother you. I'm just here to sit with you. Now if you will let me, can I sit here?"

"Sure I guess. I am so sorry if I misunderstood you. Everyone in the school keeps making fun of me so I thought you were one of them." Chaeyoung.

"Trust me I am not. To tell you the truth I'm here because every day I see you get made fun of for being who you are. I don't like the way they're treating you so I'm just here to be friends with you."

"Are you for real?"

"Why yes. What's the matter?"

"Oh this is my first time that someone is approaching me in this university so I'm just shocked."

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