The Girl I saw on Christmas Eve

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24th December 2019, it was freezing cold outside. Bright lights illuminating the city, everyone preparing for Christmas. It was snowing as it always does in December and the streets of Seoul were filled with vast number of people. People were walking on the streets and taking picture,having good times enjoying their momentous time with their close people. There were families but it was mostly couples or group of friends but there was an odd one in the crowd.

The girl was wearing a long red coat with black jeans and checked shirt. She was alone, carrying ramen on left hand and pocky stick with her right hand, one stick inside in her mouth. Mina stopped walking and looked up at N Seoul Tower with spark on her eyes. She looked like a 5 year old kid looking at a candy. While Mina was starring in awe, someone from behind her was calling someone.

"CHAEYOUNGIE! YAHH SON CHAEYOUNG!" stranger shouted. "Wait up guys, wait for me!"

Mina looked at where the sound was coming from. When she looked back she saw a bunch of people. There were 4 girls and 3 boys laughing and having the time of their life. The stranger who was shouting joined the group and hugged each other. She looked like a shiba inu. Everyone in that group was wearing something red like as if it was some kind of dress code except one girl. She was wearing all black, black Jeans and black hoodie. Mina stared at the girl, observing her features. 'She has a mole below her lips and has short hair which makes her look like Gong Yoo oppa from the drama Goblin.' Mina thought to herself while smiling which quickly faded when one of boy in a group hugged the girl.

'Aish! Why am I feeling this? Why does it hurt me.' Mina thought to herself.

"Are you enjoying your time with me baby?" The guy asked the girl.

"No. Get lost Jackson." She replied while glaring at him.

"C'mon Chaeyoung ah. Why you feeling so low? I am here baby." Jackson replied.

'Chaeyoung huh? Such a beautiful night yet she is not having fun with her boyfriend. I wish I had her in my a friend. Yea as a friend. Anyways I rather eat ramen and watch kdrama alone. Though I feel lonely sometimes but its ok.' Mina thought to herself while walking back to her apartment. She then entered her apartment and went to the kitchen, got herself some Soju, fried chicken and Junk food. She then went to her living room, sat on the couch and started watching some dramas. While binge watching She came across Goblin and her mind went back to Chaeyoung.

'Damn she was so cute. Almost like a tiger cub but also looked like Gong Yoo oppa. How nice it would be if we meet again. Aish what are you thinking Mina. Get back to watching the drama.' Mina thought to herself.

4 months later

Mina was sitting at corner of the café sipping her coffee while looking outside the window. She was in her own world when she saw some people who were familiar looking. As they came closer to the Cafe Mina knew who the people were. They were the same people that she saw at Christmas eve night in front of N Seoul tower. They then saw Mina. Mina saw the group smiling and pushing Chaeyoung towards the cafe and then she came in. Mina tried to ignore them as she is an introvert but she can't ignore the fact that she was interested in the girl, Son Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung then entered the café and walked over to Mina. She came towards her and gave her a piece of paper. Chaeyoung ran away leaving a piece of paper and her friends were screaming happily. Mina was anxious but she opened the paper and read it.

It read, 'Hey beautiful angel, we met again huh? I actually saw you at a library about a year ago. You probably don't remember me but I noticed you. My name is Son Chaeyoung. Just let me be honest, I liked you from the day I saw you. It's kind of Love at first sight I guess. Kind of cliché, I know. Anyhow this is my number, call me XXXXXXXX.' Mina was shocked after reading that paper. " Jeez this girl. I thought she had a boyfriend."

Later that night, Mina took a shower and was about to watch some dramas when she realized about the paper Chaeyoung had given her. She was nervous but still managed to call Chaeyoung. After 3 rings Chaeyoung picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Mina started.

"Hi it's me. Uh Mina, Myoui Mina..... from the café earlier?"

"Oh wow. I never expected you would call"

"Oh. It's ok. I should hang up."

"No No. It's not like that. In fact I would love to talk to you."

"Haha. It's ok. So you saw me 1 year ago?"

"Ya. It was Namsan Library. You were just sitting in the corner reading Shakespeare's litrature. I wanted to approach you but I was too scared. I went to the washroom to clear my mind and gather my confidence but when I returned, you were gone. I didn't know your name or anything. I tried looking for you, coming back to the library but you never showed up. Luck wasn't on my side. But then I saw you on Christmas Eve. I wanted to see you but my friends said I would look like a creep. Then Sana shouted my name which caught your attention."

"Ahh. So you have been following me?" Mina said in an angry tone to tease the younger.

"Ani. Don't get angry please. Sana called me so you would notice me."

"Haha. I'm kidding. I am not angry."

"Oh ok. You literally scared me."

"It's ok. But who was that guy? The one that called you baby. I thought he was your boyfriend." Mina said.

"Who Jackson? Ew no way. He is my childhood bestfriend. Plus he is not my type."

"Jinjja? So what is your ideal type Miss. Son Chaeyoung?"

"You. You are my ideal type Miss. Myoui Mina."

"Aish this kid. Stop flirting."

"Seriously, I'm into you and I know you like it. I can feel the heat radiating from your cheeks." Chaeyoung said confidently.

"Ok little miss confident. You are right." Mina said blushing but trying to sound cool.

"So Minari, I would like to know you better......would you like to go on a date with me?"

"..." Mina stayed silent.

"Uh....A fr-friendly o-one?"


"Oh ok."

"Yah Chaengie. Don't sulk. I would love to go on a date. But not as a friend."


"Yes. I kinda found you cute on christmas eve anyway."

"Ah. Ok. So tomorrow?"

"Sure. What time though?"

"How about spend the whole day with me? Let's start with breakfast, then other stuff like arcade."

"Sounds great. Just don't turn out to be a murderer."

"Nah don't worry. The only weapon I posses is by killer looks."

"Lol. Ok cub. See ya."

Ok this is a new chapter. The idea and the post is given to me by my friend Hedgehog621   ..... I hope y'all love it. I find it cute. Well MICHAENG is cute so....anyways. I have one more story in my draft.

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