Unattainable 💔 Pt2

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Time Skip: 1 Month

It has been a month since the convention. Mina and Chaeyoung had grown closer. They talked every day. Whether it was about anime or kpop or just something totally random. They even talked about their childhood and their past. As time flew by Chaeyoung began to show more interest in Mina and it was growing day by day. She just couldn't control her emotions. She thought that it might end up bad but she just couldn't stop. Chaeyoung did try to hint that she was into Mina sometimes but the latter just didn't get it. She did tell Jihyo and Dahyun about her growing feelings for Mina and they were quite supportive.

Mina's PoV

"It's already been a month. Chaeyoung and I have grown pretty close. It seems like I have known her for years now. She is so cute. Just like a baby. But I am not really into her." Mina said to Momo who was enquiring her regarding how she felt for Chaeyoung.

"Jinjja? If I was you I would date her. I wouldn't miss the opportunity." Momo retaliated.

"What opportunity are you talking about Momoring?"

"Uh...You know. I have heard that she is popular in their high school. There are a lot of admirers. She is single right now but you never know what will happen. So tell me if you like her. I'll set you two on a date."

"Uh, no thanks Momoring."

"I am being serious Mitang. What if she loves you?"

"Then I'll tell her not to get her hopes high. AND RIGHT NOW.....MOMORING DON'T GET YOUR HOPES TOO HIGH. I ain't dating her cause I am not interested." Mina replied and continued working on her laptop.

"Ok. Don't come running to me when she is in a relationship," Momo said and left the room.

"I won't. Don't worry. I am too invested in my work. I have school work to complete, notes to be made and videos to be made for my youtube channel. I can not get distracted." Mina said.

'Jeez, why is Momo being like this?' Mina questioned then carried on with her video editing.

Momo's PoV

'Gosh, why is Mina being like this? All she cares about is her work. I should let Dahyun know about her feelings for Chaeyoung.' Momo thought.


"Hey, Momoring. How are you?"

"I am good Dubu. How about you?"

"I am good but I miss you."

"I miss you too Dubu. So why did you call?"

"How does Mina feel about Chaeyoung?"

"Bad news. She said she isn't interested."

"Oh is that so." It was Chaeyoung who said that. Apparently, Dahyun's phone was on speaker and Chaeryoung could hear all the cringe talk until that point.

Within this one month, even Dahyun and Momo had grown closer. This is the reason why Dahyun had told Momo about Chaeyoung. They both made a plan for a sleepover where they all would gather up together and help with MiChaeng relationship. Even though Chaeyoung didn't want to go, she was forced by her friends. All of her friends including Momo, Sana, and Mina knew she liked Mina. Mina was ok knowing that but she just didn't like the latter back.


Everyone was enjoying their time together. They were eating and enjoying playing games but then it happened thatJeongyeon and Dahyun said something about Chaeyoung liking Mina. It then made the whole atmosphere uncomfortable. It wasn't their intention to speak about it knowing how Mina doesn't feel the same way for Chaeyoung. Mina went out to the balcony while the rest of the group apologized to Chaeyoung and told her to follow Chaeyoung and the latter did what she was told.

"Hey.......Are you good? Sorry, the atmosphere got uncomfortable." Chaeyoung started the conversation.

"Ahhh ya. I am sorry if that ruined the fun. It did get uncomfortable there. I am sorry." Mina replied.

"Why are you sorry?

"I may have ruined your fun time."

"Nah it's ok. I should be the one saying sorry. It was just that I like you so they just being crazy."

"Ah don't worry about it. It's fine."

"Uhhhh ok. So you ok with me liking you?"

"Yea yea. It's ok. Don't worry about it." Mina said.

"Ahhhh.......Do you- uh- feel the same way?" 

"I am sorry. I actually don't. I haven't really paid attention to love. I am too busy with my studies and my life that I don't really have time for love."

"Ahhhh......Do you think I have a chance with you?"

"I am sorry Chaeyoung ah. I don't want you to be waiting for me until I am ready. I don't want you to have high hopes because even if I am ready to love I don't know if it is you I will choose. There might be other people that come in my life."

"But I can wait. You are worth the wait Mina."

"I don't know how to explain this to you Chaeyoung. There might be someone out there for you but you are too focused on me that you might miss them. I don't want to ruin your chance of being loved by someone who deserves you more than me. So if you really love me, let me go. Free yourself from me and find the one that will truly love you."

"But Mina. I love you."

"I appreciate that Chaeyoung. Thank you for loving me but that's all I can say. Please Chaeyoung don't be stuck on me. Hope you find someone who truly loves you cause you deserve the world....." With that Mina left the balcony and went inside the room. But Chaeyoung stood there. Her tears falling refusing to stop no matter how hard she tried. It felt like she was choking. She couldn't move only tears falling. All she could feel was the pain in her heart.

The only words repeating in her head was 'Find someone who truly loves you because you deserve the world'........all she could say was....."You are my world."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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