One Mistake

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"Minari......What are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked Mina who was currently using her phone but hid it as soon as Chaeyoung entered the room. It didn't go unnoticed by Chaeyoung however she decided to let it slide because she didn't want another argument over a small thing. They have been having arguments almost everyday nowadays. Usually it's due to something minor.

"Nothing Chaeyoung. What do you want?" Mina asked in an annoyed tone.

"Huh? Uh...."

"Hurry up. I don't have all day to listen to you, you know. I have to get ready." Mina said while getting up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Chaeyoung asked hoping that they would go on a date that Chaeyoung had prepared.

"Uh just somewhere. With some friends. Now leave my room. I need to change." Mina said.

"I was hoping.....uh......maybe we could go out tonight?" Chaeyoung asked in a pleading tone.

"Uh sorry. I already promised him." Mina said.


"Uh.....yes. But he will bring his friends. I will also be going with Momo and Sana. Don't worry I'll be back later." Mina then closed the door to her room and started dressing up for her party.

Meanwhile : Chaeng's PoV

'Does she not remember that it's our one year anniversary today. I prepared so much for her. She doesn't even remember our anniversary. I should call Jihyo unnie.' Chaeyoung thought to herself. Then she dailed Jihyo's number.


Jihyo : Yeoboseyo!

Chaeyoung : Eonnie. (sobbing)

Jihyo : Chae. What happened? Is everything alright?

Chaeyoung : Eonnie. Mi-Mina forgot our anniversary.

Jihyo : Mwo?

Chaeyoung : Nae eonnie. She is currently getting ready to go out.

Jihyo : What did she say?

Chaeyoung : She said that she will come back later.

Jihyo : You know Chae, she may be preparing a surprise for you. Just like how you planned. It is a great opportunity for you to set up a surprise decoration at home instead.

Chaeyoung : You are right eonnie. She said she will be back later so I should prepare something for her.

Jihyo : Yes! Also Chae......Do you have the ring ready?

Chaeyoung : Yes eonnie. Been planning this since uni days.

Jihyo : Ok Chae. Good luck with everything. I really wish I was in Korea right now.

Chaeyoung : I know eonnie. I wish you were here too. But work is work right.

Jihyo : My Dongsaeng is all grown up now huh?

Chaeyoung : Nae eonnie.

Jihyo : I am so proud of you.

Chaeyoung : I am proud of you too eonnie. Eomma and Appa would also be very proud if they were with us today. You managed to give me good education, provided me with everything, established your own business by yourself. That's a big achievment.

Jihyo : I had to Chaeyoungie. After Eomma and Appa died, you are the only one I have. You are my dongsaeng but also my child. I have to provide you the best.

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