🐧 and 🐯

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Sorry, can't think of a title...

"Sana let's go," Mina called her out.

"Sure let's wait for others," Sana replied. After a while, all her friends had come. There were Momo, Nayeon, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Tzuyu with of course Sana and Mina now in the car park. Mina was taking the others to her favorite street food stall also known as Pojangmacha. Sana and Mina often go to this stall to eat but since Mina's friends were craving soju and tteokbokki she decided to take them there with Sana.

"Ok Me, Jihyo and Nayeon eonnie will go in my car while Sana, Tzuyu, Momo and Dahyun can go with Sana in her car. We will meet there. Is that fine?" Mina said.

"Yea. Let's go," Jihyo said. They all headed to the restaurant after that. Once there they parked their cars and Mina took them to the tent. While walking near the tent they could already smell the delicious foods which made Momo walk faster and enter the tent first. Once they all got in Mina greeted the owner of the tent.

"Annyeong Eommo nim. I am back. I bought my friends too," Mina said.

"Oh Mina chan. I was wondering why you hadn't come for a long while now. Good to see you here. Omo all your friends are so pretty. Just like you. Omo Yeoppuda," the owner said.

"Aigoo eommo nim. You are so nice," Mina said while covering her cheeks as she started blushing due to the compliment.

"Ok girls what would you like to have?" the owner asked. After the girls decided they told Mina their order and Mina ordered it for them.

"Can we have 3 cheesy tteokbokki, 3 bulgogi, 2 kimbaap and 3 bottles of soju for now."

"Sure. I'll send it as soon as it's ready. Please wait for a while."

"Sure eommo nim." With that the owner went and prepared their food while the girls were just having a regular chat about their life and their unoversities. After a while the food was finally done and two girls bought the food with their soju.

"Here is your food and soju. Please enjoy." The girls said and was about to leave when Mina thanked them.

"Gomawo Chaeyoung ah and Jeongyeon eonnie."

"No problem. Enjoy!" Chaeyoung said and went to the kitchen area.

"Mina you must be a regular. You literally know everyone," Jihyo said.

"Oh yea. I come here often. Whenever I feel like eating tteokbokki I happen to come here as they sell the best in town."

"That's so true," Momo said while stuffing her face with tteokbokki.

"Mina, who were the two girls who served us." Naeyon asked.

"Oh they are the owner's daughters. The tall one is Jeongyeon Eonnnie and the baby tiger is Chaeyoung."

"Yea and the short one is Mina's baby," Sana said and laughed.

"Yah squirrel, shut up," Mina said. They all laughed and began talking while eating their food. Once they were done Mina paid the bill and they were about to leave when the three greeted them.

"Drive safe," the owner said.

"Sure eommo nim," Mina replied.

"Take care Minariii and her friends," Chaeyoung said while smiling while showing her dimples.

"Sure! You too baby tiger," Mina replied while smiling. Her friends could only smirk.

"Come again. Thank you for visiting," Jeongyeon said while looking at them especially Nayeon.

"Sure. We would love to," Nayeon replied while smiling.

They then left the stall and drover off. In the car there were bunch of teasing going on in Mina's car. Mina was being teased by the two for being so soft to Chaeyoung while Nayeon was also being teased. Just like that their day ended.


It has been a while since Mina visited the restaurant. She finally decided to go again with Sana. They then headed toward the street food stall. Once there they met up with Eommo nim and greeted her and ordered some food. After a while Chaeyoung served them their food and greeted Mina and Sana. Today the stall was not that packed as it was still early so the Ahjumma came and talked to the girls.

"Hello girls, how have you been lately?"

"Its been great eommo nim. How have you been?" Mina asked.

"As good as ever."

"How about Jeongyeon eonnie and Chaeyoungie?"

"They are good too. Helping me out like usual."

"Eommo nim, sorry to be so personal but Chae still seems young (Get it 😂.....me and my broken humor) But why isn't she studying?" Mina asked.

"Actually both Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon have completed their high school. But we don't have enough money to send them to universities."

"Ah I am sorry to hear that. Do they still want to continue their studies?"

"I don't think Jeongyeon wants to. But I am sure Chaeyoung ah wants to. Her dream was to become a doctor one day."

"Ah is that so? Well I am also doing the same course. But how was Chaeyoung's high school records?"

"Oh she graduated as the top of her class. But look at her now. Helping me run our business." She said and they looked at Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon who were just cooking while laughing. They couldn't help but smile.

"Ah ok eommo nim. Thank you for sharing all this. I am sorry if it was too personal."

"Don't worry. You are like my daughter too right? Anyways I gotta watch those two. You guys enjoy your food."

After that Mina and Sana finished their food and headed home. They however didn't forget to say goodbye to the three. Once they were in their car Sana asked why Mina asked about the stuff but Mina could only smile.

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