Who killed him? pt.2

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"Sure. Now can we have Son Chaeyoung?"

"So Son Chaeyoung? Why did you stop talking to Bambam? Was Mina was the reason for this?"

"Not really. We had this argument way before me and Mina started our relationship."

"So what was the reason?"

"He was being an ungrateful son of a bitch. Sorry about the language but I can't help it. No matter how much you try to be good he doesn't see it. Like Felix, even I tried to help him but then he just comes back to you. He is just and piece of shit."

"Ms. Son, Bambam is dead."

"I know that. Well, it was bound to happen with an attitude like his."

"Where you the one who killed him?"

"I was with Mina so it can't be physically possible. Also, it can't be me as there was so much evidence left behind. I am a huge true crime fan. I know about my crime scene. I wpuld never leave those evidence there that would incriminateme. You can tell it's an amateurs' job."

"You may have hired a hitman."

"You said he was killed by a knife? So it can't be a hitman. It is a very 'intimate' way of killing. Almost like taking out the anger."

"Ok, you may go."

"I can help."

"With the case?"

"Yea. Is it possible to see the crime scene photos?"

"It's confidential," JIhyo said.

"Actually let her," Jinyoung said.

They then laid all the photos in front of Chaeyoung. She observed all the photos then spoke.

"It is someone close to him that's for sure. The killer may be 167 to 173 cm and is a right-handed person. By looking at this picture I think he has been stabbed around 40 to 45 times."

"Yea 43 stabs."

"How do you know?"

"Well like I said using a knife is an intimate way to kill as you have to go up close. 43 stabs means taking out the anger. The killer is right-handed as you can see most of the stab wounds are inflicted on the victim's left side and the angle of the stabs tells me the height is around 167 to about 173 cm."

"Well that narrows it down."

Soon after everyone was told to leave leave interrogation room. Chaeyoung however asked to stay which was allowed by Jinyong.

"Sir I think the killer is one of the prime suspect." Chaeyoung said.

"Who do you think it is?" Jihyo asked.

"Bambam's so called best friend Han Jisung,"

"Wait what? Why do you think it's him," Jackson asked.

"There are plenty of reasons but one of them is how he over explaining everything during his questioning. Like he was playing safe for the future consequences. He didn't have to talk about him studying for his upcoming history test but he did."

"Point," Jinyoung said.

"Another reason is his house is closest to the crime scene."

"But that can't be used as an evidence," Jihyo pointed out.

"Right so. But what can be used is the fact that all of the other suspect were at least an hour away from the location. They would also have been caught in CCTV at the hour of the murder so it is practically impossible for them to travel for an hour, kill and go back traveling for an hour."

"But Han said he was with his parents." Jackson mentioned.

"But he said he was studying in his room. That means he could have snuck out of his room through a window or something, went to Bambam's house murdered him and came back. One crucial fact seen from the photos is that there is no sign of forced entry meaning the victim knew the culprit."

"Yes we did think about that so that's why you 6 are the suspect."

"But detectives, have u noticed the most crucial enidence?"

"What is it?"

"His index finger was bandaged and the area between his thumb and index seemed like it was bruised."

"Meaning?" Jackson asked.

"This suggest that he got hurt......maybe because of stabbing the victim 43 times. The blood would have gotten into his hand which may have caused the knife to slip and the injury between his thumb and index is due to the friction while holding the knife and stabbing. Have you found more than 1 blood sample?"

"Yes we found 2."

"Bingo! He may have thought he got away cause he cleaned the finger print but he probably forgot about his blood. You should test the sample against his."

"This is enough circumstantial evidence to arrest him right now and once the DNA result comes back it can be enough to charge him. We just need his confession now."

"Yep. Also the fact that he fits the criminal profile, 167 to 173 cm right handed person. So that's it. I'll go now."

"Thank you for your help Ms. Son. But how do you know all this?" Jihyo said.

"Well like I said I am obsessed with true crime. I also take psychology and hopefully criminology for my post graduate to become a crime scene investigator, a detective or criminal profiler."

"Well you are on the right track. We appreciate your help. You should understand though that we don't usually do this. However, I saw something in you so I let you help us." Jinyoung said.

"Thank you so much detective. It was a pleasure to help you."

"The pleasure is all mine." With that Chaeyoung left the room. Han was then arrested for the suspicion of murder. He then soon confessed to planning and murdering Bambam due to the fact that he was talking to his new crush. Han was charged with first degree murder as it was planned. He was given life sentence with a possibility of parole after 23 years due to him pleading guilty.

Where as MiChaeng be living the best life. Mina found the perfect partner who doesn't abuse her.



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