Are we meant to be?

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It was the first day of uni for Chaeyoung. She was now a second year student at JYP National University. She got up and got dressed for her day. Black ripped jeans, black hoodie and a varsity jacket that belonged to the volleyball team. Yes, she was in the volleyball team. Although short but she was the setter of her team. Her friends Jeongyeon, Tzuyu and Dahyun were also in the team.

Once she got ready she headed to her car that was in her driveway but before leaving she decided to text her friends so they can join them for breakfast.

Goddesses and their babies

GodJihyo😇, GoddessIM
🐰, Ostrich🐻, Dubu🦅,
Baby Cub 🐯 & Yoda🐶

Baby Cub 🐯
Yo people. First day so
anyone up for breakfast?

I'm in. Just pick me
up cubby. Thnx ❤️

Yo me too

I'm in shorty 🖕🏻

Baby Cub 🐯
@yoda 🖕🏻

Me too 😁 Ostrich
pick me up.

Ostrich 🐻
Ok. Where tho?

How about Chaeng's

Baby Cub 🐯
Sure. I am leaving my
house. Gonna pick up
yoda, Jihyo eonnie,
Dubu ❤️ see you there

They all then met at the restaurant and ordered their food. Once they were done they headed to their university. Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu has the same class while Nayeon, Jihyo and Dahyun has the same class. They separated and decided to meet during lunch.

- Chaeyoung's class -

"Ah I am already bored. Can we skip?" Jeongyeon asked.

"No bro. Today is the first day so there won't be any studies. But I heard there is a new transfer student in our class." Tzuyu said.

"Ah ok." Jeongyeon said. She looked over to Chaeyoung who had her earplugs on and listening to music. She then hit her to gain her attention.

"Yo Chaeyoung ah. What if the new student is really handsome or pretty." Jeongyeon asked.

"I don't know. I don't even care."

"Ya whatever. Lame ass." Then Jeongyeon and Tzuyu began talking when the teacher entered. Chaeyoung then stopped listening to music and focused on her teacher.

"Hello students. Welcome to a new year. We have a transfer student so I expect you all to treat her well." As the teacher finished he called in the new student. The walked inside the class and everyone was wooed by the beauty. She then began the introduction.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I am Myoui Mina. I am a transfer student from Japan. Please take care of me." She then bowed.

"Ah ok. Mina ssi, please take a seat next to Son Chaeyoung. Son Chaeyoung raise your hand." Chaeyoung did as she was told. Mina then walked up to her and smiled which the latter returned.

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