Perfect Lady Pt.2

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Chaeyoung knew its wrong to kiss a person who is not sober but Mina's lips felt so soft and heavenly that Chaeyoung ended up kissing her back. After they stopped kissing due to lack of oxygen Chaeyoung spoke again.

"Hey let's go, I'll drop you off" Chaeyoung said.

"TeDdyyy" Mina said and passed out in Chaeyoung's arms.

Chaeyoung collected Mina's stuffs from the table where she was sitting earlier and called a cab. They took a cab; when it arrived Mina was passed out on Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"Han, I hate you" Mina mumbled laying on Chaeyoung's shoulder, drop of tears fell from her eyes and Chaeyoung wiped it with her hand.

They reached in front of the Mina's house. Chaeyoung payed the cab fare and rang the doorbell while holding Mina on her waist. Lights were off and it seemed like no one was present so Chaeyoung searched for the keys inside Mina's purse. She found the keys and they went inside; she saw a photo of Mina and her boyfriend torn in half, lying on the ground. Chaeyoung helped Mina to her bedroom and laid her on her bed, took her shoes off, covered her with a blanket and headed out. She went to the kitchen to look for ingredients to make a hangover soup for Mina. After sometime she was done preparing the soup and put in in a flask. She put the flask, a bowl, spoon and fork in a tray and took it to Mina's room. She put the things on the night side table and wrote a note for Mina.

To Mina,

Wondering how you reached home? Its me Chaeyoung from the store. Don't worry I didn't do anything. Also I used your kitchen to make some hangover soup for you. Hope you like it.

See ya


It was 11:20 pm, Chaeyoung walked back home, thoughts full of Mina. She reached home, cleaned herself and went to bed. It was hard to fall asleep after that kiss, she kept thinking about Mina. It was almost 1, she had to go to work so she tried to sleep though it was hard.


I woke up at 11:02am with heaps of headache and body ache, I looked here and there I was shocked that I was at home. I checked my phone with 20 missed calls from Jihyo and more than 9 text from Nayeon. I texted them back that I'm already home and took a shower. I wanted to know how I reached home I tried to think but my memories were vaguely visible from heavy drinking. I saw a picture and threw it inside the dustbin. When I was looking around I saw a tray with somethings on my night stand and went towards it. There was a note there and a flask. Reading it, made me smile. I then had the soup that she made and it was one of the best I have had.

After 10 mins I got text from Chaeyoung saying "are you okay now?" I was all smiles until I got few snippets of my memories from last night. I stopped breathing for like 2 mins after remembering kissing Chaeyoung but then felt butterflies inside my stomach.

Mina 🐧
Yeah I'm okay now.
Thank you. Uh we
need to talk.

Chaeyoungie 🐯
Okay. Tomorrow is
sunday and my day
off. Will it be ok?

Mina 🐧
Ya sure. See you tomorrow.


Same old rich lady came to store today, she reminded me of Mina and I texted her if she is doing okay. I wanted to see her so badly but we ended up fixing time tomorrow since it was my holiday. Store seems little off today, my manager was busy in his office and the staffs were replacing new stocks. After closing the store, my manager actually offered me a ride for the first time. I was happy with the thought that my better days were on its way. We had a good conversation on the way back. He dropped me near my apartment. After I arrived I cleaned myself up and changed into a tiger onesie. I then cooked dinner and ate it. I then had to pick something nice to wear tomorrow.


I woke up with high anxiety to face the problem I caused the day before yesterday after I broke up with my boyfriend. I called Chaeyoung and confirm the location and time with her, we decided to meet at the coffee house and go for a lunch. I got into my car and was the first one to arrive at the coffee place. I told waiter that I'll order after my friend arrive, I checked my watch and I was 10 minutes early. After 8 mins Chaeyoung entered the coffee house with smile on her lips, while she was entering. I felt like I was in a movie and everything began to move in slow mo. Even though I'm straight I wanted to date her and make her mine. It's like she released all my gay hormones. I couldn't control myself and had the urge to kiss her again but I ignored these urges. I waved at her and she waved back at me and joined me. I ordered latte and she had cappuccino. After that I apologized to her for the trouble I caused.

"Sorry about everything I did last time, I was drunk."

"Ah. That's okay, but you looked like you were really sad, what happened if I may ask?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Nothing much. Uh remember the guy I introduce you to last time?" Mina asked.

"Yeah. Your boyfriend right?"

"Ex. We broke up," she said.

"Oh really. Why?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Remember the first time we met?" Mina asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Do you remember the date?"

"No. I'm sorry." Chaeyoung replied.

"Its ok. It was actually march 24th," she said.

"Good with dates, are you?"

"Uh its because it was my birthday. I waited for him in front of my house. He said that we had reservation at a hotel to celebrate my birthday, so I dressed up looking really good but he stood me up. He didn't come to pick me up. It was my worst birthday ever." Mina said with little tears on her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Chaeyoung said and gave her handkerchief to Mina.

"It okay. My friend Nayeon told me that he was with another girl at a bar but I didn't believe her and forgave him but last time at the store, he was busy on his phone texting the other girl, we had a huge argument at my house and we broke up. Well I dumped him for good."

"Ah, so that's why you were so sad, I know it really hurts but trust me you deserve better." Chaeyoung said.

"HA! I'm just not perfect enough." she replied.

Chaeyoung grabbed Mina's hand and said "No you're the prettiest girl I know, the first time I saw you, I've never seen anyone so beautiful, you are the definition of perfection. You just need to look through my eyes to see your true beauty."

"But I don't think anyone wants to date someone like me, I'm so worthless," Mina said.

"I would.......uh I mean I would love to have someone like you in my life but I don't. He was damn lucky to have you but also one of the unluckiest to have lost you." Chaeyoung replied.

Mina blushed and looked here and there not to make eye contact with Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung told Mina about her previous relationship and how she was able to move on with it, Mina felt really comfortable being with Chaeyoung like she can trust the person in front of her.

"Do you really mean when you said that you would date me? Like are you being serious?" Mina asked Chaeyoung to confirm it.

Without hesitation Chaeyoung replied "I don't joke about relationship."

"Ok so will you go on a date with me? But bare in mind I've only dated boys before," Mina said.

"So have I," she replied.

"Do you think it's weird?" Mina asked.

"Weird? Why? Love sees no gender; society does and we don't have to care about what other people thinks. Plus I fall in love with a person not the gender." Chaeyoung said.

"Ok. Let's go for our date then." Mina said with smile on her face. Chaeyoung looked at her with cutest smile and grabbed her hand before heading out to where destiny takes them.

Ok sir Part 2. Thanks to Baka Hedgehog621 Lol. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it......btw who loves kitkat? lol random.

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