🐯 X 🐧 Pt 3

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"Hey cub! You seem happy today." Dahyun said.

"Yes eonnie. Mina is my girlfriend now."

"Congrats tiger. You are no longer a baby." Tzuyu

"Thnx Tzu."

"If you are really thankful give me your friends number. The one who looks like squirrel." Tzuyu.

"Yea me too......but the one who was eating."

"Oof you guys. They like you too so why not. Here."


"Good morning baby. I am here." Chaeyoung called Mina.

"Good morning. Uhhh baby? It's ok I love it. Anyways I'll be there in a minute." Mina replied.

"Sure thing."

After some time Mina came down. Chaeyoung got out of the car and hugged Mina while giving a peck on the cheeks. She then opened the door to her car and after they were done they went to uni. The news about Chaeyoung being rich spread like fire. Also that now she has two sisters joining spread too. When Chae and Mina reached the schools everyone looked at them. They were holding hands and walking. After some time their friends approached and they were there with Tzuyu and Dahyun.

"You guys dating now?" Nayeon asked.

"Yep. This cub asked me." Mina

"That's nice."



It was Saturday and Chaeyoung's birthday. All her friends were at Chaeyoung house. At first they all were shocked to a mansion. After that they got used to it. Few minutes later in came a girl and few boys.

"Jihyo eonnie. I have been waiting for you." Chaeyoung

"Only Ji? Not us?" A guy said.

"Of you you guys too. I missed you bro. I thought you were still in Thailand."

"Wouldn't miss this day."

"Anyways let's go in. I'll introduce you to my friends." Chaeyoung said.

They all went in and Chaeyoung called out grabbing everyone's attention.

"Guys I would like you to meet them." Chaeyoung. Everyone looked at them but unknown to them two people were staring at each other. Chaeyoung noticed it and tried to speak again without getting jealous.

"Hey guys. Bam are you ok?"

"Yea cub. Go ahead." BamBam replied.

"Ok so. Guys she is my cousin Jihyo. He is my another cousin Bambam and his friends Yugyeom, Jinyoung, Jackson, Jaebum, Mark and Youngjae oppa."

"Hi guys." They all said in unison. They then started talking to each other. While celebrating BamBam went to Mina.

"Hey Mina. Long time no see." BamBam said.

"I know Bam. It has been a long time."

"You wanna go to a room to talk?"

"Sure." They then went to a room. After a while Chaeyoung noticed that both Mina and BamBam were missing. She then went to each room to find them. When she opened the guest room she saw them hugging.

"Wtf is happening?" Chaeyoung shouted.

They let go of each other and faced the cub.

"Chae come here. Omg I am meeting this girl after so long." BamBam said smiling.

"What?!" Chaeyoung was still jealous but decided to go to them. "Who is he Mina?"

"My ex." Mina replied.


"Chae. She is the girl who I talked about. The one I used to date but made me realize that I love Yug." BamBam said.

"Wait wat?"

"Yes Chaengi. We used to date but I noticed how BamBam loved Yugyeom more than me. We broke up when I told him that he loved Yug and I helped him with that. Also he knew I was in love with a girl.....it was you." Mina confessed.

"What? You have loved me since the start?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Of course. I was scared to confess." Mina.

"Lol ok. So Bam you guys don't have feeling for each other now right?"

"Stop being jelly cub. I don't. In fact I see her as a sister. Plus Yugyeomie asked me to marry him. Within 6 months from now we are getting married." BamBam showed off his ring.

"Omg congrats. Double celebration." Chaeyoung said while hugging her cousin. "Let's go celebrate." They then headed out. The rest of the group were waiting for them. Chaeyoung explained what she saw and now they are celebrating.

"Thank you Mina for making me and BamBam end up together." Yugyeom said.

"No worries. Plus I liked this cub back then so I couldn't stay with Bam. He is too annoying." Everyone laughed.

"So where are you guys getting married?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Phuket! Guys make sure all of you come." BamBam said.

"Wouldn't miss it." Chaeyoung.

Then the night goes on and they celebrated Chaeyoung's birthday, BamBam and Yugyeom's good news, SaTzu being together and DahMo almost being a couple.


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