Seoulmates pt.3

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"Mom. Dad, thank you for coming. I really missed you guys." Mina said.

"We missed you too, Minari. How have you been?" Her mom asked.

"Never been better. Also I would like you to meet someone. She will be right here." Mina said.

"Who is she?" Her dad asked.

"My roommate."

"Ah OK."

"Before that I got to tell you something. I know you might be disappointed but it has to be told sooner or later so why not now. Mom, dad, I am into girls."

"Wait what?!?" Her mom said.

"Uh yea. Kind of always been attracted to girls."

"Me too Mina.....kind of always been attracted to girls." Her dad said. He took it lightly but her mom was objecting it.

"Mina but this is a sin." Her mom said.

"Honey it's fine. Let her be happy. So do you like anyone?" Her dad asked.

"Well yea. I have been dating this girl for more than a year now. And she is on her way."

"Your roommate?" Her mom asked.


"Mina I will meet her but I am still not in favor of this." Her mom said.

"It's OK mom. You will love her."

After that Caheyoung came and greeted Mina's parents. Mina's mom was kind of shocked to see Chaeyoung.

"Ms. Son, nice to meet you. I didn't know you were dating my daughter."

"Hello Mrs. Myoui, nice to meet you too. I didn't know I was dating your daughter too hahaha." Chaeyoung said.

"Mom you know her?" Mina asked.

"Ye I know her. We had a business deal."

Just like that the four started talking.ina and Chaeyoung told them how they met and how they fell for each other. Mrs. Myoui and Mr. Myoui both loved Chaeyoung for Mina. They kept on talking regardless of how many hours they have been talking as they all enjoyed each other's point.....

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