I'll always be there for you

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Hey guys this is another one of my ideas..... on the previous chapter I got a comment saying I should put a hint about the chapter but I feel like if I give a hint I'll basically just spoil it 😂 So sorry

Let's start 😁

"No Chaeyoung ah, let's go play on the swing." Baby Mina said.

"Minawi pleawse. I wan chu play in the slide." Baby chaeyoung replied.

"Omo Chaeyoung ahhh why are you so cute. Ok let's go." They both held their tiny hands and went to the slide to play. Chaeyoung and Mina have been friends ever since Mina moved to Chaeyoung's neighborhood. Mina had moved here with her family from Japan when she was just 3 while Chaeyoung was 2. They are next door neighbors and have been inseparable since the first time they met. Their parents know that their friendship will last a long time.

Time skip

Mina and Chaeyoung have both started their high school. Chaeyoung is currently 14 and Mina 15. They both are enjoying their lives. Both happy in their own world. Chaeyoung had come out to her family and friends which includes Mina. They all are very supportive. Mina, she got herself a boyfriend. His name is Han. Chaeyoung loves to see them together. Although at first when Mina told her about Han she was sceptical about it as she felt a sting in her heart but she didn't know what it was so she shrugged it off. Chaeyoung also got herself a girlfriend but only lasted for 6 months. After that the girl had to leave to study abroad and they both knew they were not ready for long distance commitment so they had a mutual understanding and broke it off. Whereas Mina and Han were looking forwards for their one year anniversary. Everything was going perfect for all of them.......well they thought that.

"No no no no.... this can't happen. Shit I'm late....." Mina said. She was home alone. It was a Saturday morning so she wasn't talking about school. She was referring to her period. "Damn it. What should I do? I told him to use a fucking protection. Arghhhh." Mina was talking to herself when suddenly there was a knock on her door.

"Yo Minari. You alright in there? I came here with some cake." Mina immediately opened the door after hearing Chaeyoung. She then pulled the younger one in and closed the door.

"Woah chill. I don't even have the cake here. It's downstairs." Chaeyoung said laughing which stopped seeing Mina in a tensed situation. "Are you alright? What happened Mina."

"I am late." Mina answered.

"Lol we don't have school today."

"Chaeyoung ah. My period is late."

"Ooohhhhh thattttt......wait what???"


"But sometimes it's normal. I have late period as well sometimes."

"It's been two or three month and had never happened before."

"Don't worry it happens. It's not like you and Han....." she observed Mina's face and knew exactly what she and Han had done. "Nooooo way......did you guys?"

"Yea we did it."


"No just pills."

"Yahhh Mina. How can you be so irresponsible???"

"I know Chae. I am sorry. He said he wanted to without protection."

"Aish.....what are you? A kid? Didn't we learn about this already?"

"I know. I am sorry. Don't get mad at me."

"I am not mad Mina. I just can't process it."

"Chae can you do me a favour?"

"Sure what is it?"

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