Are we meant to be? Pt.2

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It has been 2 months now since Mina told Chaeyoung about her feelings for Jeongyeon. Most of the friend group knows that Mina likes Jeongyeon except Jeongyeon. Well so they thought. Chaeyoung tried her best to not show her emotions while helping Mina. Sana was always there to help Chaeyoung whenever she would cry all night long.

- Time Skip -

"Is this good Sana eonnie?" Chaeyoung asked Sana showing the bouquet of flowers.

"Yes. It lovely. Is it for Mina?" Sana asked.

"Yes obviously."

"Chaeyoung ah. Why do you always buy her gifts and at the end say it's from Jeongyeon?" Sana asked sounding sad.

"Eonnie. If I give it to her she just smiles but when I say it's from Jeongyeon she has this gummy smile of hers that melts my heart. She becomes the happiest person in the whole world. I want to see her happy. Isn't that what love is? Sacrificing you happiness for someone else's? She gets so happy at the thought of Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung said.

"Chaeyoung please. I know you are sad. You are hurting. But please confess to her. Please." Sana said.

"Ok eonnie. I'll see what I can do."

- 1 day earlier -

'Ah Jeongyeon asked me out. What should I wear?' Mina thought to herself. She the got ready and waited for Jeongyeon. Once she was done Jeongyeon texted her saying she was outside. She then ran to the front door, locked it and hopped inside the car.

"Hey beautiful." Jeongyeon said.

"Hey." Mina replied blushing.

"Let's go?"

"Sure." They then went to a restaurant and enjoyed their date. After eating they decided to take a walk in the park. Once they got tired they decided to take rest and talk.

"Hey Mina listen. I think I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Jeongyeon.

"Yes of course Jeong." Mina said and hugged Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon spoke again.

"Hey listen. I know Chaeng is our friend but stay away from her." This shocked Mina because she thought Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung were close.

"But aren't you guys friends?"

"Yes we are but. I don't trust her. She had done this to my previous relationships. I like someone and she just interferes and takes them away from me. I don't want to lose you. I also know that she is planning to confess to you. She had her eye on you. Please stay away from her." Jeongyeon said.

"She did that to you? But aren't you friends?"

"We are but she is always like that. She takes what's mine. So will you please stay away from her?"

"Sure. I love you anyways." They then hugged. Jeongyeon was smirking. She was proud of the lie she made and was satisfied from Mina's reaction. She then dropped Mina home and went home. Once she reached she went to her room and thought to herself.

'Ah this girl. She believed me so fast. I heard you and Chaeyoung talk about you having feelings for me in her roof. I also know how much Chae loves you. I am sorry but I am just here for some fun. I am jealous of Chaeyoung. I am the volleyball captain still she gets all the credit. I had my eyes on Lia yet Lia chose Chaeyoung. I study hard yet she gets better grade. I am popular yet everyone wants to befriend her. Now you will know how it feels. I'll take what's yours Son Chaeyoung. Mina is mine. But I'm only using her.' Jeong thought and smirked.

- Present day -

Chaeyoung went to Mina's house with Sana. Sana went out in the morning to help Chaeyoung for the flowers. Once she rang the doorbell Mina opened it but she had a different aura than usual. It was dark.

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