Who killed him?

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"So you all know why you are here right? Your acquaintance Mr. Bambam has been found dead in his house and you 6 are the prime suspect in this case," said Jinyoung.

"Myoui Mina, ex-girlfriend. Son Chaeyoung former friend. Han Jisung, best friend, almost like his brother. Lee Felix his friend. Kim Yugyeom his rival and mark Tuan another rival. You all are the prime suspect in this homicide and foul play is involved." Jihyo said.

"What proof do you have?" Felix asked and everyone in that room gave an 'are you stupid?' Look.

"Well, the victim has been clearly stabbed," Jackson said.

"Well, how do you know it's one of us and not a robbery gone wrong?" Han asked.

"Well it has been staged as robbery with the culprit taking a few of his valuables but he or she forgot to take the laptop. This costs a lot and it was just near the victim yet the killer didn't take it. This only adds to a staged robbery theory," Jinyoung clarified.

"So we will start by interviewing all of you. But this time we won't do it privately. All of you have one thing in common and that is the hatred for the victim." Jihyo said.

"Yea. Now let's start. We will go with Kim Yugyeom." Jackson called out. Yugyeom then came forward and sat in front of Jinyoung, Jihyo, and Jackson while they interrogated him.

"Where were you at the night of the murder?" Jihyo started off.

"Uh, I was with Mark. We were at the club."

"Any evidence to support your claim?" Jinyoung ask.

"Well for one the witness is here and two you can check the CCTV. We were with our Hyung."

"We heard you and Bambam were rivals? Can you explain?" Jackson.

"Well ya. We are from different universities. We will obviously be rivals. But it was only sports rivalry that stays in the field."

"It is said that you guys lost this year's soccer league due to a biased referee and you blamed Bambam for buying the referee. Is that true?"

"Yes, Mam. That's true. We saw Bambam signaling the referee before every foul."

"And you even beat him threatening to kill him when they were outside." Jinyoung.

"That's right but that was in a fit of rage. A spur of the moment thing. I didn't mean it."

"Ok, we will move on for now. Mark Tuan, please come."

They then asked Mark similar questions as he was also a part of the soccer team Yugyeom was in and he told them everything.

"Next can we have Lee Felix," Jackson asked. Then Felix went and sat at the interrogating table.

"So Felix where were you on the night of the murder?"

"Uh, I was actually studying at the Cafe near my house."

"Recently you had an argument with Bambam? What was it about?"

"Well I was helping him with his work but then he start criticizing me and lashes out at me. I wouldn't have lashed out but he was a douche and an asshole."

"You hate him even though you were best friends so it is likely that this hatred for him increased to the point where you murdered him?"

"Can't be. I may be full of rage but I ain't a murderer. I know my limits."

"Ok can we has Han Jisung." Jackson called out.

"So Han Jisung you are the closest to Bambam. Am I right?"

"Yes. He was like a brother. We did everything together. I was devastated by this news. Who would have done that to him? I still can't believe it."

"Where were you at the night of the murder?"

"I was at my house with my eomma and my sister. I was studying for an upcoming test as it was of history and I am actually very weak. So you can ask my family to confirm it. I was with them the whole time."

"It is said that you recently had an argument with Bambam. Why is that?"

"It was really an argument. Well yea but it wasn't anything major. It happens between friends. I mean you know."

"Can you tell us what the reason was?"

"Nothing major. Just some personal issues."

"Please clarify."

"Ok so basically Bambam dated Mina but I told him that I once liked her too and regarding this, we kind of had an argument however it was already resolved."

"Ok you may go now."

"Myoui Mina, please come."

"So you are Bambam's ex-girlfriend. Am I right?"

"Yes. That's correct."

"So why did you guys break up."

"There were many reasons. He was a verbally abusive person. He used to threaten me because he was very possessive."

"Where were you at the night of the murder?"

"I was with Chaeyoung. We went to Han river."

"Oh so you guys are dating?"


"Is that the reason why you guys broke up? Was infidelity a part of your relationship?"

"No. We broke up because he was the one who couldn't be faithful. He verbally abused me but one night when he came home drunk I asked him about his hickey he became physically abusive and slapped me. That is when I decided to break up and leave him. I then left and happened to stumble upon Chaeyoung who gave me a place to stay. We were already friends but just a week ago we started our relationship."

"So could you two have killed him?"

"Not really. We didn't have a reason to. We are happy with each other. Why ruin this?"

"Sure. Now can we have Son Chaeyoung?"

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