🐧 and 🐯 pt.2

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Mina had called her Eommo nim to ask if it's possible to meet her and the lady said yes. They planned to meet at the latter's house which Mina agreed too thus she is currently heading there. When she reached the address she knocked on the door and was greeted by her Eommo nim.

"So Mina, you wanted to meet right. Why was that?"

"Ne eommo nim. Where is Chaeyoungie and Jeongyeon eonnie?"

"They are out to get groceries and for restocking ingredients. You needed them?"

"No eommo nim. I actually wanted to talk to you. Please don't tell about this meet. I just wanted Chaeyoung's high school documents if it's possible."

"Yea it's in her room but what is it for?"

"It's just something for Chaeyoung, trust me."

"Ok wait a minute. I'll get it." After that the lady went in to get Chaeyoung's certificates and handed it to Mina. Mina then left with the certificates before the two could come.


It had been around two weeks. Mina hadn't attended the shop. But she called Eommo nim, Chaeyoung and Jengyeon to her apartment which was right next to the stall. They all came and Mina and Sana welcomed them.

"Hello Mina eonnie and her friend." Chaeyoung greeted.

"Hello baby tiger," Mina greeted.

"Welcome eommo nim and Jeongyeon eonnie. Please come in all of you." Mina said and invited all of them inside. Once inside Mina served them some tea and some snacks and then began telling them why she invited them.

"So you might be wondering why I invited you guys here. I'll explain it. Chaeyoungie what do you want to be in the future." Mina asked.

"My dream was to become a doctor but right now i am working with eomma." Chaeyoung replied.

"Ah ok. What about you Jeongyeon eonnie?"

"I wanted to study law but now I don't think I want to continue my studies anymore. I would rather work. But why are you asking all this?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Jeongyeon eonnie, would you like to work in Hillside Resort as a senioor manager?" Mina asked.

"Huh what?"

"Sana's family owns the resort. They were looking for a manager so I told Sana to consider you. They are ready to hire you. Your salary would be around $8000 per month. Is that fine?"

"Wait for real?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yes." Sana said smiling.

"And Chaeyoungie, this is your documents. There is also an acceptance letter from Seoul National university."

"What? But we can't afford it." Chaeyoung replied.

"It's ok. I told my dad and he said you can be his scholar. He will support all the expenses."

"No that's too much."

"It's ok Chaeyoungie. Just do your best and become a doctor. Arraseo."

"Ok thank you so much. But university might be a bit far from our house. Do i have to stay at a dorm?"

"Oh about that....eommo nim I have something for you." Mina said and handed her they keys to the apartment.

"Eommo nim this is the key to this house. I would like you guys to stay in this apartment."

"Omo. We can't do that Mina. What you did for Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon is already enough. We don't want to burden you more."

"It's not a burden eommo nim. Please take this key. And Jeongyeon eonnie, the hotel is about 30 minutes from here. The company car would pick you up and drop you off."

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