Seoulmates 😁 pt.2

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Mina moved to Seoul and is currently on there as Barista as a start to this new life. Although she wants to work in the entertainment industry she started off with Cafe. She really enjoys working here and it's one of the most famous Cafe in Seoul which is visited by a lot of idols everyday. She loves to serve them and interact with the.

This is where she met Chaeyoung. Chae has always been a regular. And from the times they have met each other they know few things about each other like how Chaeyoung is working in her company that she will inherit and how Mina is actually from Japan but just moved here. As days passed the two became closer than ever. They had exchanged number and ofter went out together. Just like that one day they decided to go to Han river for a walk.

While they were walking while enjoying each other's company Chaeyoung finally spoke.

"Minari, do you see us being more than friends? Don't get weirded out tho haha." Chaeyoung said.

"Why'd you ask?" Mina replied while stopping and looking at Chaeyoung.

"Nothing special. Just wanted to know."

"Uh well it depends."

"On what?"

"Whether you like me or not." Mina then gave her infamous gummy smile.

"What if I say I like you?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Then I'll say I like you too." Mina replied.

"Wait really?"

"I mean yea....but since you haven't said anything, I haven't too." Then Mina started laughing and running away.

"Mina wait up." Chaeyoung said following her but the latter just ran faster.

"Myoui Mina stop.......I LOVE YOU MYOUI MINA!!!" Chaeyoung shouted which made Mina stop and look at her.

"Wait you were being serious?" Mina asked.

"Of course Mina. I has liked you since a long time back but I was just afraid to confess."

"Chaeyoungie.......I like you too." Mina said.

"Wait for real?" Chaeyoung was rather shocked.

"Yea of  course you dork."

With that they started their relationship.......


It had been a year since the two started their relationship.  They have been going strong, loving each other more and more as the days went by. Mina started living with Chaeyoung in the apartment Chae owned. It was a big and fancy apartment from where Seoul city could be seen.

This is when Nayeon and Jeongyeon decided to visit Mina. Chaeyoung was fine with them visiting and staying over. She even knew about Jeongyeon and Mina's history but had no problem as she trusts Mina and their bond though she may have been a little jealous but that cub will never admit. That's for sure.

When 2yeon arrived they didn't expect Mina to be living in this fancy apartment that too with someone. That's why when Mina introduced Chaeyoung as her girlfriend they were shocked.

When Mina announced that Nayeon was happy with her sister but Jeongyeon seemed to be a little jealous. She tried to talk to Chaeyoung.


At night when Chaeyoung and Jeonju were left alone she decided to talk.

"Chaeyoung bro, why do you even like Mina?" Jeongyeon asked.

"What do you mean? Haha. I love her because I love her. Isn't that enough?"


"Ok. I love her cause she is the sweetest. She takes care of me, loves me, respects me. Not only that, she also is pretty with good attitude. All in all she is a great human and I would not want to lose her.......ever."

"But she is such a coward. She won't ever talk to her parents about your relationship. You will be unknown, a secret, a hidden piece."

"It's OK. I respect her decisions and if she is not ready then who am to force her to come out to her parents."

"But that just means she isn't serious about you if she doesn't talk to her parents."

"Not really. It means that she is not ready. And when she is ill always be there by her side. Supporting her."

They talked more but little did they know Mina heard everything and her love for Chaeyoung grew even more. The latter really loved her and respected her decision. Mina had to show to her that even she could be strong in their relationship.  She made up her mind to tell her parents.

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