Unattainable ❤️

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(Everyone is a high school students here)

"Yah Son Chaeyoung hurry. We will be late for the event." Jihyo shouted.

"Yes I am coming. I can't find my mask." Chaeyoung shouted back from her room.

"Your mask is here in the living room. You were the one who said it might come alive so you told me to keep it here." Dahyun said.

"Right. I am coming then." Chaeyoung then headed to their living room.

"Aish this kid. Let's go." Jihyo said.

They then headed to the event place which was about 20 minutes drive from their place. If you haven't already figured it out, then they are currently going to anime convention which is being held. Chaeyoung, Jihyo and Dahyun has been obsessed with Anime since they were young. They outgrew their height but not their passion for anime.

Chaeyoung decided to go as No Face, while Jihyo went with Yosano Akiko and Dahyun with Naruto. It was around November and was really cold outside yet they didn't care because the rush of adrenaline had taken over their body.

Soon after they had arrived at the venue. Jihyo met up with her friends Nayeon and Jeongyeon. They were dressed up as some anime couple duo and they were killing it. Soon Chaeyoung saw a tall figure walking towards her and she couldn't help but shout out her name.

"Yoda!" Chaeyoung shouted.

"Ah smol bean. How are you?" Tzuyu asked.

"Good. How about you?"

"Same goes." Tzuyu said still looking around.

"Waiting for someone?" Chaeyoung asked Tzuyu.

"Uh yea. Sana," replied Tzuyu still looking around.

"MINATOZAKI SANA???" Dahyun asked getting excited.

Tzuyu glared at Dahyun and said, "yes, my girlfriend!" 😑

"Oooookkkkkk but not interested. Her sister , what's her name? Hirai Momo is so cute. Will she be here too?"

"Yes Dubu. In fact they are here. Look they are there. Oops you are too short for that." Tzuyu said with her usual IDGAF tone.

"Yah yoda! You wanna die?" Dahyun retaliated.

"Shut up! They are here." With that Tzuyu went to Sana and the latter pulled her into a tight hug. After their hug Tzuyu gave a quick peck on Sana's cheeks and began introducing each other.

"So this is Sana as you know, my girlfriend." With that Tzuyu glared at Dahyun and Dahyun could only chuckle nervously. "Anyways this is Momo, Sana's sister and this here is Mina. Sana's cousin." The three girls smiled at those who were in front of them.

"So these are my friends. This is Nayeon eonnie and that is Jeongyeon eonnie. This one is Thomas- ouch." Tzuyu shouted as Jihyo slapped her. "Haha sorry. She is Jihyo, GodJihyo. That one is Dubu and finally......where is Chae? Oh she is too short too see 😂."

"Ooooooooohhhh SAVAGE TZUYU RISES AGAIN." Jeongyeon said.

"I never fell. Never left my throne." Tzuyu said with sass. "But yea this smol bean here is Chaeyoung. Open ur mask baka." Tzuyu told Chaeyoung and the latter did what she was told.

"Omo she is so cute." Sana squealed and started walking toward Chaeyoung only to be stopped by Tzuyu.

"Ehem." Tzuyu faked cough.

"Uh. Of course you are cuter." Sana answered.

"Anyways guys lets go and enjoy." Jihyo said and with that all of them started going around. Soon enough everyone had dispersed into their own place. Dahyun and Momo went to look for food, SaTzu were in their world. Jihyo was talking to a girl on the far end of the hall. 2yeon had just disappeared. Now all that was left was Mina and Chaeyoung. They both hadn't spoken to one another since the beginning. Mina being an introvert didn't know how to socialize and Chaeyoung......was just to shy to start up a conversation. Finally Mina broke the silence.

"Hey can we go to a quiet place? Kind of noisy here." Mina said and Chaeyoung agreed. They then headed to a secluded corner where there weren't a lot of people.

"So what's up? You wanted to talk?" Chaeyoung asked still confused why Mina wanted to come here.

"Ani. It's just too noisy here. I don't like noisy places or interacting with a lot of people." Mina said.

"So why are you here?"

"Cause I love anime. But also my cousins practically forced me out of the house."

"Oh haha. Nice. So you like attack on titan?" Chaeyoung asked Mina.

"Yassss. Very........How did you know?" Mina was surprised.

"Uh cause you literally dressed up as one."

"Oh right haha."

"You look really good. I like attack on titan too but I think you look better. You look really cute."

"Ah thank you so much. You look good too haha."

"You don't have to lie, you know." Chaeyoung replied chuckling.

"I am not. This suits you. You look cute."

"Ahhh thank you. By the way do you often do cosplays?"


"Oh ok. Haha. So what cosplays have you done so far?"

"I have done a lot. But if you want to see then follow me on IG. I usually post it there. Its Penguin.minari You can just follow me. What's your IG?"

"Uh SmolBean_Chae. Here I followed you."

"Me too."

"Ok. I think others will be looking for us. Shall we go?"

"Sure. Let's go."

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