On a Rainy day pt 2

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It has been months that Chaeyoung and Mina have been talking to each other, meeting up to chat, and share stuff that they don't usually share with other. With this they have unknowingly and unexpectedly developed a new feelings for each other. Although Chaeyoung is pretty sure that she is into Mina the latter still doesn't understand it. She is new to this as all her previous relationships were with guys.

They decided to meet again at their usual hangout place, the cafe in front of the main building. As usual Chaeyoung was first to arrive and was waiting for Mina. After waiting for 5 minutes Mina finally came and sat opposite Chaeyoung. They then ordered their favorites. Cheese fries, mozzarella sticks, strawberry cake, blueberry cheesecake, iced americano and Boba.

They then started eating while talking about how their week has been going. It was all great until Mina bought up the topic of Bambam. Chaeyoung hated that guy but since the time she figured she like Mina she began to have a different kind of hare for him. Perhaps jealousy? But her mood was ruined by just the mention of his name.

"You know Bambam called me." Mina said while drinking her americano.

"What does that idiot want?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Me of course. He said he was sorry for cheating on me and he will never repeat it again. He said he has realized my worth."

"And what did you say?" Chaeyoung was getting curious by this time.

"That it's ok and I am ready to accept him." Mina saw Chaeyoung face change from being not bothered to shocked but before she could speak Mina interrupted.

"Of course I rejected his offer you Baka. Once a cheater always a cheater. Pabo!" Mina said.

"Yahhhh! You scared me. You are a dork."

"Lol ok. Why were you scared anyways?" Mina asked.

"Uh jus......I actually wanted to tell you something." Chaeyoung said getting all nervous.

"What is it?" Mina said sipping her iced americano.

"I know this might come out as weird and all but I can't keep it with me anymore. I....I -I think I have feelings for you. I mean I know I have. I don't know how it started but I am pretty sure I like you. No, I love you." Chaeyoung finally let her feelings out.

"Wait are you serious?" Mina asked.

"I am."

"Oh ok. Wow. I didn't expect this."

"It's ok if your feelings doesn't reciprocate. I understand."

"No no. It's not like that. It's just......uh.....new for me. I have never thought about this. I know I like you and am attracted towards you but I just need time to think. I am not sure what kind of like this is. I hope you understand." Mina said.

"Of course. Take your time. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. Let's eat for now." Chaeyoung said. Although she was sad that Mina didn't feel the same but she was happy that she still had a chance.

They then went their way. Once they were home Mina thought about Chaeyoung's confession. She was happy that Chaeyoung liked her but was not sure about her own feelings. Mina was just laying in her bed and thinking.

"Chaeyoung finally confessed. My heart literally skipped a beat. I know I like her too. But what if this is just an infatuation. I know I'll hurt Chaeyoung if that's the case. I think i need to stay away from her for a week to confirm my feelings."

While Mina was thinking of all the things she got a text from Chaeyoung.

Dork Cub 🐯
Hey!! Hope you reached home.
Also I am sorry if everything was
so sudden. But its ok. Take your
time. I'll wait for you no matter
how long it takes. 😁😘

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