On a rainy day

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It was a rainy day. Most of the university students had already gone home however Chaeyoung was still there. She was so indulged into the books in the library that she didn't hear the pouring rain. She only realized it when she got a call from her mom asking about her whereabouts.

Chaeyoung's PoV

"Yes Eomma. I know. I was just at the libarary reading. I'll be there soon. I will leave as soon as the rain stops. I forgot my umbrella." Chaeyoung told her mom on the phone. She then bid her goodbye and hung up.

"Uh why is it raining so hard. On top of that I forgot my umbrella. I hate this." Chaeyoung thought to herself. As she was so engrossed in her thoughts she didn't realize someone came and stood next to her watching the rain until the person spoke which bought Chaeyoung out of her trance.

"Most people hate the rain. I love it because it feels like when I am crying I'm not alone. The sky is crying with me." The person said. The person then looked at Chaeyoung and saw her just looking at her.

"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Hi I am Mina, Dance major." Mina then gave her hand for a handshake and Chaeyoung gladly accepted it.

"Chaeyoung. I am majoring in music. Nice to meet you."


"You sound sad. The thing about rain you said. Is everything alright?" Chaeyoung asked.

"It would be a lie if I said yes. But I have just created this facade where I seem to have a perfect life." Mina replied truthfully.

"You know you can talk to me if you want since you are already opening up to me."

"Exactly! And I don't even know why I am saying all this to you when in fact we just met. We are practically strangers. Oh my god Stranger Danger."
Mina said acting like she was panicked. Chaeyoung could only giggle at this.

"You're a dork. Do you know that?" Chaeyoung said giggling.

"Well that is something new. To be honest I don't usually get that."

"What do people usually say about you then?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Uhhhhh........Penguin!" Chaeyoung then bursted out laughing.

"Mwo?" Mina asked.

"Damn you are so effortlessly funny. I meant was do people think of you?" Chaeyoung said.

"Oh haha. They think I am an introvert, hard to approach, a mean person and not at all funny." Mina replied.

"Jinjjayo? You are the total opposite though." Chaeyoung said.

"Well like I said I have created this facade. But i don't even know why I am sharing all this with you. But I gotta go right now. Give me your phone first." Mina asked for Chaeyoung's phone but Chaeyoung was hesitant to give at first.

"Don't worry I won't run away with it." Mina assured Chaeyoung and she reluctantly handed it over to Mina. Mina then typed something on the phone.

"Here is my number. I'll call you when I need someone to talk to. You can call me too when you need someone haha. Bye." Mina waved and ran away from the building. This is when Chaeyoung realised that the rain has stopped. She herself then went home ready to face her mom.

When Chaeyoung was laying in her bed after dinner she remembered her encounter with a certain penguin. She decided to text her since she knows that Mina doesn't have her number.

Hey penguin. This is me. The
one you met at the library today
And decided to share your life
Story with 😂

After sometime Chaeyoung's phone pinged. She knew exactly who had texted her.

Oh Hey 👋🏻 Anything
you want to talk about?

Uh not really for now.
Just thought that I had
your number but you
didn't have mine so I
decided to text you. ✌🏻

Oh. Haha ok.👍🏻

So why were you sad
today? 😅

Oh that. Uh......how about
I tell you tomorrow. Meet
me at the cafe in front of
the main building. 😁

Uh Ok. What time?

How about afternoon 4 ?

Sure. I got to go do
some stuff so bye.

Bye. Goodnight. 😴

Goodnight. 💤🌙

Timeskip : Next day

Chaeyoung was waiting for Mina in the cafe. It was 4 now. Just as Chaeyoung stood up to order in came Mina. She was wearing black jeans and white t shirt with a flannel shirt with a pair of boots looking effortlessly gorgeous. Chaeyoung for a moment drooled over the angel in front of her until her thoughts were interrupted.

"Stop drooling Chaeyoung ssi. You always seem to stare when I make my entrance." Mina said chuckling.

"I....I uh I am sorry haha. I was just mesmerized by a goddess in front of me." Chaeyoung replied smirking.

"Flirt." Mina said smacking Chaeyoung's arm.

"Sorry? What was that?" Chaeyoung asked. The smirk not leaving her face.

"Nothing. Let's go order." Mina said and went to the counter to order while Chaeyoung followed behind.

Once they were done ordering they took it with them and sat on the corner of the restaurant which was secluded which was what they preferred.

"So Mina, go on with your life story." Chaeyoung said which eating her Strawberry cake.

"Uh. I guess you can say what seems real may not be. My life and family may seem perfect. A well off and a happy family, a handsome boyfriend, all the luxuries, good looks and smart. But it is far from it. My family is dysfunctional, all they care about is their reputation and status. My boyfriend, or shall I say my ex was a cheater. Sleeps with girls behind my back." Mina finally released all her frustrations.

"What was the reason for that sad quote?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Caught him while in the act." Mina said.

"Your ex?"

"Yea. The name is BamBam." Mina said.

"Wait. You mean BamBitch? That Thai guy. Kunpimook Bhuwakul?" Chaeyoung said surprising Mina.

"Yea that's him. You know him?"

"Of course I know him. He is a bitch. He slept with my brother's girlfriend and bragged about it to my brother. He was also the reason for my breakup. I will never forget that Guy." Chaeyoung let out her anger.

"Yea. Hate him too. Who is ur ex btw?" Mina asked.

"Chaeyoung. Park Chaeyoung. Uhhhhhh Rosé. From blackpink." Chaeyoung said.

"Omg Rosé? Isn't she Lisa's friend? They are quite famous around campus."

"I know. We were known as "Chae squared". Everyone idolized us. We were that happy couple until this MF came along and ruined us."

"Oh right. I did hear about Rosé seeing someone. I just didn't know it was you. Yea you looked good together to be honest." Mina tried to lighten up the situation.

"Yea it's all in the past. Anyways I think I look better with someone else though."

"Who?" Mina asked.

"You." Chaeyoung replied.

"Omg flirt." They then continued to talk about their life and their past.

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