Plan backfired

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Another one shot 😁 Just one chapter tho. This idea just popped inside my head. I hope you all like it ✌🏻😁❤️

"Chaeyoungie! Kiss me." Mina said looking at Chaeyoung.

"You mad? Why would I when Sana is just there." Chaeyoung replied.

"Yes. But she is with Tzuyu. Flirting. Aish. I hate the fact that I love Tzuyu and you love Sana. Yet they don't notice us and flirt with each other." Mina whined.

"I know right. I have loved Sana for so long but she never notices me. All she sees is that tall tree. Oof." Chaeyoung replied while looking at Sana.

"Ya same with Tzuyu."

"How long have we been friends Minari?"

"Around 2 years now." Mina replied.

"And how long have you known that I love Sana?"

"Uh about a year."

"Exactly! And that's the exact time you had feeling for Tzuyu too right? But I guess they can't even see." Chaeyoung said sounding sad.

"Chaeyoung ah. I have an idea. Let's date!" Mina said.

"Wtf Mina! No way. Why would you want to date me? Do you like me?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Ani. I like you......but not in a romantic way. I just suggested that so we could make them jealous. Jealousy is the best way to make them realize. So are you up for it?" Mina asked.

"Fine. If I get Sana at the end." Chaeyoung said.

"So it's our first day right? As a couple?" Mina asked.

"So do we have to do....Uh......stuff?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yah! Chaeyoung! We are not even adults. We can't just have se....." Mina couldn't finish her sentence when Chaeyoung interrupted her.

"Arghhh Mina! I meant hug and kiss not sex!"

"Oh. Yea sorry. I mean we can hug and hold hands. If we have to then we can kiss too."

"Oh ok." Right at the moment the bell rang and they headed to their next class. They held each other's hand and went to the class. They saw Sana and Tzuyu looking at them. They smiled at each other and headed back to their room. In the class they were sitting together while holding hands and smiling which got a few attention including SaTzu.

- Time Skip -

It was now lunch and they headed to the cafeteria while their group of friends were waiting for them. When they arrived everyone looked shocked to see them holding hands.

"Is my MiChaeng ship finally sailing?" Jihyo asked.

"I guess." Chaeyoung replied.

"So you guys are together now?" Nayeon asked.

"Yep." Mina replied.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" Jeongyeon shouted.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon. They just started dating. Let them be." Jihyo said. They then started eating their food while MiChaeng was being all lovey dovey which made SaTzu jealous.

- Time Skip : 4 months -

"It's been 4 months now Minari. I think I see progress. Sana has been really clingy towards me. Don't you think so?" Chaeyoung said to Mina.

"Uh I guess. Same with Tzuyu. She keeps stealing glances." Mina said. Although she was a bit hurt from what Chaeyoung said but she didn't know what the feeling was so she shrugged it off.

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