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Welcome to heroes arena online!

Welcome to heroes arena online!

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(ASUKA : Mina's character)

(ASUKA : Mina's character)

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"Huh? Oppa is online? Why isn't he calling me though?" Mina thought. 😕


ASUKA (Mina): Alucard oppa?

ALUCARD: Oh, hi milady didn't see you there.

ASUKA: Oppa why didn't you call me? ☹️

ALUCARD: Oh, my bad. I'm sorry. I just wanted to kill Beelzebub monster alone. Hehe 😁

ASUKA: Come on oppa, its been 5 months we been this game. I want to help you. 🥺

ALUCARD: Awww my wife is the best. ❤️ Let's go to uptown city. I heard an old lady is selling new herbs this time.

ASUKA: Wow that's great! I love herbs. 😂

ALUCARD: Asuka, I know you're a healer but your smile can heal my pain without your spell. 😏

ASUKA: HAHA stop flirting and lets go.


ASUKA: It's been a while since we are dating huh?

ALUCARD: Yes 😊 Waeyo??? (Why)

ASUKA: Let's meet know in real life. (Blushing ☺️)

ALUCARD: ohhh ummm okayyyyy (worried)....... When? And what time?

ASUKA: You seem to be worried. Its okay if you don't want to meet.

ALUCARD: NO!! It's not that. I'm just a little surprised. So, what time are we gonna meet?Also wherrreeeee???😁

ASUKA: (happily) okayy let's meet at Times Square Mall, 11 am. 😄

ALUCARD: Arraseo ✌🏻

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