Bully pt 2

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Time skip

Its been almost two month since Somi joined. BamBam and his gang started bullying Somi because they think she is gay too but Chaeyoung stood up for her. Mina's feelings for Chaeyoung are gradually increasing day by day. One day when she went to her dorm early to get her book she found BamBam and a girl making out and having fun in the bed. That is when she broke up with him and dumped him. Although he begged her to come back she left him. After that she has been spending her time alone but mostly near Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung also noticed that Mina was alone nowadays. She tried to approach her but failed due to reasons. One day when Somi was walking down the corridor after finishing her work she was met by BamBam. Although he was alone he still approached her. It was almost dark and all the students had already left the building.

"Hey beautiful. Why so late?" BamBam asked.

"What do you want?" Somi replied.


"Leave me alone."

He then went in front of Somi and stopped her. He slowly started moving forward and Somi stepped back. He then pulled and pinned Somi to the wall.

"Yah you jerk. Leave me at once or else."

"Or else what baby? You gonna call your girlfriend."

"You idiot."

"Seriously? You gonna call that Chaeyoung. That bitch can't even help herself how will she help you."

Mina saw everything that was happening between Somi and BamBam. She was about to go and help Somi but someone else had already stepped in.

"Yah. Who did you call a bitch you asshole." Chaeyoung said as she stepped closer to Bambam and Somi.

"Oh great. Son Chaeyoung. Now I can beat both of you gays here." Bambam said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Yea. Fight me." Chaeyoung said.

Bambam couldn't take it anymore. He ran towards Chaeyoung. Mina was scared as she thought Chaeyoung was going to get hurt. But when Bambam reached Chaeyoung she dodged him and punched him instead. He instantly fell on the floor.

"You little piece of shit." Bambam said while spitting out the blood from his mouth. He stood up again and tried to kick Chaeyoung but she dodged it again and instead a round house kick right in his face. He fell down. He was no match for Chaeyoung. But his ego was not satisfied. He ran to her and tried to kick her but she held his leg and punched his stomach which made him go where he belonged, on the floor. He finally gave up but spoke.

"How? I thought you were weak." Bambam said.

"HA. This idiot. I am a black belt in Karate and Taekwondo. I have done Brazillian jijitsu, MMA fighting and Muay Thai. You think I am weak? I was only like that because of Mina. I love her and she was your girlfriend at that time. I didn't wanna hurt you because that will hurt her as well you idiot. But you just lost the perfect girl. I always thought you were the luckiest human to be with her. She is an angel but you broke her. Cheated on her. You don't even realise what precious gem you lost. If I ever had a chance then I would forever treasure her. She deserves better that you. It might not be me but I always wish for her happiness. I hope she finds someone who truly loves her but not just for her beauty but for who she truly is but seems like you didn't see it. To bad." Chaeyoung then stood up and went to Somi. They then went back to their dorm.

Mina had heard everything Chaeyoung said. She was frozen and speechless. All she thought was Chaeyoung's words. She wished she could just go up to the younger girl and hug her but she couldn't. She now loved the girl even more but she had messed up. She lost the girl she loved. Now the girl was walking away from her with someone else beside her. 'That girl is really lucky to have Chaeyoung in her life' Mina thought. But now she had to apologise.

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