Part 45

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This is a filler chapter, sorry! I still think it's cute though...when you guys comment it makes my day, so tell me your thoughts on this chapter. Love you.

Lucy's POV:

4 weeks later (March 14th)

"Harry, stop it," I whine, rolling over to the other side of the bed, trying to remain unconscious. Harry's hands grab my waist and pull me into a sitting position, but my head just falls onto his shoulder, my eyes remaining tightly shut. The pregnancy has been wearing me down, and I'm starting to feel the effects like fatigue and mood swings. Harry has been very understanding, but we both know we can't miss this appointment with the doctor. 

Harry sighs and resigns to carrying me out of our apartment. He made sure I dressed myself before my nap because he probably knew I wouldn't be easy to wake, much less dress. I end up falling asleep in Harry's arms during the short trip from the bed to the car, and then again on the way to the doctor's office. I'm hopeless. 

"Babe," Harry mutters, brushing hair out of my eyes as he leans over me. The car door is open and gusts of cool March wind are chilling my skin. I notice four paparazzi outside the doctor's office but I'm too tired to care. Everyone already knows that I'm pregnant since Harry announced it on Saturday Night Live at the very end of the episode. I remember giggling as I watched because Zayn had to nudge Harry quite harshly to get him to remember to say something. 

Harry slides his hands under me to lift me up, but I shake him off. Not because I'm ashamed of my body, but because I think walking would wake me up a bit before we enter the building. I have been getting so much better about accepting myself, and the therapist Harry has me seeing has actually been somewhat of a help, which is something I did not initially expect. 

Harry smiles at me and wraps his arm securely around my waist as I shut the car door and let myself disappear into Harry's side as we near the paparazzi. 

"Harry! Is it true that Lucy miscarried?"

"We wouldn't be here if that were true," Harry answers politely, trying to hurry me through the doors. 

"Is it a boy or a girl? Congrats on the pregnancy, Lucy!"

I mutter a thanks under my breath while Harry tells the man that we don't know the gender. 

"A lot of people have been saying you guys are too young and unprepared to be parents. Any comment?"

Harry pushes past the last of the paps and pushes me through the door, blocking out the flashes and shouts. A few weeks ago that comment might have bothered me, but Harry and I have talked about everything and while we know that we're young, we are both fully committed to taking care of this baby. 

"You alright?" Harry asks as we take our seats in the waiting room. 

"Yeah, I'm good," I smile as Harry leans over and kisses my forehead.


April 18th

"Lucy oh my god," Eleanor squeals as I show her my dress for the millionth time. My cheeks heat and I pull nervously at the lace of my sleeves. Eleanor, Anne, and Gemma helped me decide on a dress and veil since we're all in Cheshire for the wedding, which is the day after tomorrow. To be honest, I am so nervous, but not because I am having doubts. Just because...I don't know...I'm getting married. Doesn't everybody get nervous for their wedding?

"It just gets more gorgeous every time I see it," Gemma gasps, grinning. 

"That goes for you as well, dear," Anne says sweetly, winking at me. I smile at them all and rest a hand on my stomach. I've just begun to show, and I have experienced symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, moodiness, heartburn, and weight gain. Normally the gain would upset me, but after months of starving myself and bulimic behavior, I need to put back on some of the weight that I lost.

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