Part 16

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Lucy's POV:

I wake up feeling like a freight train just ran over my head. My temples are throbbing and my ribs are providing a steady ache. I groan and roll out of Harry's bed, remembering how we slept last night. I smile sleepily at the memory, despite the pain in my head and ribs. 

Getting to my feet, I squeeze my eyes shut and try to think of a way to dull the pain. I'll need water first, definitely. I open my eyes and shriek, jumping back. Harry is standing right in front of me, incredibly close. 

He just chuckles and slides a hand around my waist, giving me goosebumps as his hand comes in contact with my bare skin. The good kind of goosebumps though. 

"I have some pills for you that should help with the headache. And the pain," Harry says, leading me downstairs. I could tell that he was going to be fussing over me the next few weeks, or maybe even months but there was really no need. All it was was a headache and sore ribs. He broke his hand! Trying to protect me, may I add, which was incredibly brave and sweet of him.

Harry is so good to me, too good. He's absolutely perfect, and I'm starting to think I may have developed feelings for him. It's not like I wanted to fall for him, but he just knows all the right things to do and say without even trying. He's sweet, charming, a little protective, goofy, but manly at the same time and he's just overall adorably perfect. It doesn't hurt him that he's also incredibly attractive. I've always found him so, but I'm just beginning to develop these feelings towards him. 

But I know I can't tell Harry this. Obviously I'll just embarrass myself because the feeling isn't reciprocated, and then things will be awkward between us. I need Harry to be the one steady thing in my life, and if he can only be that as my friend then so be it. 

I smile and thank him as Harry hands me the pills and a glass of water. I pop the pills in my mouth before taking a sip of water and washing it down my throat. I take a couple more sips of water and then take a seat on a round stool in the mini-kitchen. 

"Where are the rest of the boys?" I ask, noticing the obvious absence of Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. 

"Oh, they went out for lunch," he says casually, shrugging his shoulders. 

Lunch? I quickly check my phone, my eyes widening when I see the time, 12:34. That's the latest I've ever slept, I guess I was really tired. 

"Yeah, we had a pretty late night last night," Harry says, noticing my reaction. I nod, agreeing as I take a bite of the Frosted Flakes Harry poured me. 

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I ask. My headache has mostly diminished, due to the medicine Harry just gave me. Incredible.

"Oh, no, no, no," Harry replies, shaking his head. "You won't be doing anything, you're sentenced to bed rest for at least a few days."

I groan and roll my eyes. I knew he'd be like this. 

"Come on, Harry. All it is is bruised ribs and a concussion. Which translates to sore ribs and a headache. I'm fine!" I exclaim, huffing in frustration.

"Babe, it hasn't even been a day. I'm just saying you should take it easy." He's right, as usual. I should rest, but I hate just sitting and doing nothing. I wish the boys were here as well, they make everything more entertaining. 

My prayers are answered when the door to the bus is thrown open and the four boys I've been wanting to see walk inside. 

"Lucy! You're up, sleepy head," Niall yells as soon as he sees me, causing me to laugh. Bad idea. The force of my laughter against my ribs sends a shooting pain through my middle. I gasp for air and try to conceal the pain I'm feeling.

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