Part 41

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Lucy's POV:

When I wake up and stretch my arm out, my fingertips brush nothing but the soft sheets that cover our mattress. Panic shoots through me and my eyes fly open, shocking me when I realize that it's still dark. Barely refraining from shouting Harry's name, I turn over to look at the clock and see that it's four o'clock in the morning.

I wish I could be alone without feeling like I'm going to be sick, but at this point that just isn't an option so I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up, my heart pounding. What if Harry left because this is all too much for him? What if he finally realized that he's too good for me and he left to find someone better? As much as that pains me, I know it's what he deserves.

My panic expands as I realize what is happening to me. I need to find Harry fast or we'll have to start my healing process all over. I run out of the bedroom and start down the hallway, skidding to a stop when I hear noises from the bathroom. I walk over to the door and press my ear against it, hearing the distinct sounds of Harry's sobs through the wood.

Immediately, I push open the door and my heart shatters at the sight in front of me. Harry sits on the floor, his head between his knees while his shoulders shake uncontrollably. His hands are locked together around his ankles as he rocks back and forth, taking loud, uneven breaths. His phone lies next to him, the blue and white colors of Twitter glowing on the screen the only light in the room.

Harry lifts his head when I enter the room, and gives me a full view of his red, tear-streaked face. His bottom lip is quivering as he hugs his legs tightly to his chest.

"Harry," I whisper, hurrying over and sliding down the wall next to him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling his head into my chest. He continues to shake with sobs while I rub his bare back and hug his head into my chest, tangling my hands in his hair.

"Harry, please," I beg. "Tell me what's wrong." I feel him shake his head against my chest, so I pick up his phone.

@hurrystiles: lucy is such a whore, I'd honestly rather he date kendall...

@niallsprincessss: seriously, harry could do loads better. she looks like an underdeveloped child.

@larry_af: Getting louis a beard was bad enough, but now harry? Come on management. She can't think he actually loves her...

"Lucy, no," Harry croaks, lifting his head and snatching the phone from my hands. "Don't read that. That's what got us into this mess in the first place. The fucking fans. My fans..." he trails off, his hair falling over his face.

"Harry..." I say, frowning. He looks guilty, but why would he be?

"My fans, Lucy!" Harry shouts, startling me. "If it weren't for me, you'd be perfectly fine right now. I should have protected you, but I did nothing. Fuck, I was too blinded by the fact that they're the reason for my success to realize what they were doing to you. I should have-"

At that, I kiss him firmly, feeling his soft mouth on mine for the first time in what feels like forever. He responds, capturing my lips in his passionately while his hands cup my cheeks. I pull him closer by the nape of his neck and play with the hair that cascades down his shoulders. Harry pulls away just a bit so he can softly kiss my jaw and down my neck to my collarbones.

"Harry, you didn't do anything wrong," I assure him, my voice quiet but steady. "You're so kind and genuine to everyone and I know you'd never intentionally hurt anything. Your fans obviously matter to you, as they should, and that's okay. Not all of them are awful. In fact, most of them are quite lovely. It's just the few rude comments that stand out the most. But that doesn't matter anymore because I love you and I know that the things they claim are false, so I just don't care about anything but you and how you see me."

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