Part 25

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October 6th

Harry's POV:

"Harry!" someone screams and I stand up from my seat on the couch, whipping my head to the direction of the noise.

"Harry!" they scream again, and I see that it's coming from the hallway outside my door. I rush over and throw it open, searching for the source of the terrified yells. I see a tall, scruffy man dragging a teenage girl by her wrists. Her long, brown hair falls over her face and part of it is matted with blood. There are cuts all along her arms and legs and she's clutching her foot as if it is broken.

Immediately, I sprint down the hall towards the girl and man. I see the man drag her onto the elevator as she screams my name once more. When I look down at her face again, it is no longer covered by her hair. My blood boils and a combination of fear and anger shoots through me as I take in her delicate features.

Eyes that are brown with green rimming the bottom are spilling over with tears as she stares at me, frightened beyond words. Her full, pink lips are split open and blood is trickling down her chin. Her small, delicate fingers are clutching her foot and she's trembling all over. 

I divert my gaze from Lucy, preparing to kill whoever did this, only to find myself staring into a pair of shockingly familiar green eyes. I take in his mess of brown curls and tall, lanky frame. It's me. I did this to her.

"No," I whisper, my voice barely audible. Lucy whimpers and scrambles back, away from me. She's afraid of me because I did this. I did this to her. 

"Yes." A voice counters just before Lucy and my disgusting self shoot downward in the elevator and everything goes black.

I shoot straight up in my bed, trembling and shaking. Beads of sweat cover my forehead and my breathing is heavy and uncontrolled. My eyes dart around the room, searching for the one person who can calm me down, but of course I don't find her. I start to panic. I need her. I need Lucy. 

Still shaking, I rip the charger out of my phone and type in Lucy's number with trembling fingers. 

It was just a dream, I tell myself, trying to calm down a bit. It's no use, all I can think of is the look on Lucy's face as she shied away from me because of what had been done to her. What I did to her.

When I looked up at the man I expected to see Charlie, not myself. I would never do that to Lucy, it's not even thinkable. I'm nothing like that disgusting bastard. Or am I? They say the one who watches and does nothing is as bad as the criminal. I let him hurt her that night at the club and every night before that. I couldn't get there soon enough. I am just as to blame here. Tears pool in my eyes and I hastily wipe them away as the phone begins to ring. 

"Harry?" her voice floods through my ears, calming me immediately. 

"Luce," I whimper, relieved to hear her voice. I don't care how weak I sound, I just need her right now. 

"Harry, what's the matter?" she asks, her voice filled with concern. My body is wracked with sobs that I try to conceal, but I know she can hear me.

"Harry, please, just tell me what happened?" she begs and I try to compose myself. 

"I-I had a, um, a nightmare," I begin realizing how pathetic I sound. "I'm s-sorry, I shouldn't have called, it's st-"

"No, Harry, don't even say the word stupid," she cuts me off. An involuntary sob escapes my throat as fresh tears form in my eyes. I feel so weak, but the image of Lucy beaten and bloodied makes my body paralyzed with fear, anger and now guilt. You didn't hurt her, Harry. It was just a dream.

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