Part 15

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Lucy's POV:

"You shouldn't have run away from me, Lucy, " my father says, and his voice makes my skin crawl. I hoped I'd never have to hear it again, but here he is. I can't move, I can't speak. I'm so shocked to see him standing here, and by the looks of it, he's not surprised to see me at all. He planned this, he knew I'd have to come to the bathroom at some point tonight. He's like a snake, just waiting to strike.

I finally unfreeze and try to run for the door, but a large hand grabs both my wrists as the other is forced over my mouth. He drags me back inside, throwing me to the tiled floor.

My head makes contact with the wall as I slam into it and I see stars. I'm collapsed on the floor but I remember what he does if you're lying down, so I hastily get to my feet before he can start kicking me. Just as I stand up, he shoves my shoulders back and pins me against the wall. The cold of the tile hits my skin, sending shivers down my spine and raising goosebumps on my arms.

"You think you can just leave? Huh? You think that I wouldn't be able to find you?" His breath reeks of liquor as it hits my face. We are only inches apart, his hand still covering my mouth to keep me from crying out. "You might have actually gotten away with it, if you handn't gotten yourself on national television with some famous, good for nothing, pretty-boy!" 

"How did you find me?" I ask in a surprisingly calm voice, despite the panic I feel inside. My father rolls his eyes in disgust and spits on the floor, making me cringe. 

"I just told you, didn't I? You never fucking listen, you piece of shit!" he screams and slaps me across the face. My cheek stings and my eyes well up with tears, but I don't let them fall. I can't appear weak in front of Charie, or he'll take advantage. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that. 

"I flew out here as soon as I saw you on the news. You were with that fuck-up boybander, Harry Styles or some shit? The one who left you? And after all this time you come crawling back to him like the whore you are. You both can go to hell, no one would miss you anyway."

My body shakes with a combination of fear and rage. How dare my father say these things about Harry? He knows Harry, they were close. I'm used to him insulting me, but Harry is where I draw the line. He can't just get away with this anymore. I guess a lot has changed, including me. I won't just sit back and let him hurt me, not this time. 

I wrench my hands out of his grip and push his chest back as hard as I can. My father stumbles back but doesn't fall. I try to run for the door, but my high heels slow me down. Dammit, this is why I never wear these things. 

I have almost reached the door when a hand grips my arm and swings me around. The last thing I remember is the loud crack of my head hitting the sink and pain shooting through my skull before everything goes black. 

Harry's POV:

It had been a while since Lucy left for the bathroom. I've been searching everywhere, but I can't find her. I have the other boys looking for her as well, but so far we haven't had any luck. I was starting to get really worried. What if she got lost? What if some guy was bothering her? The thought of that kept me looking. 

After searching the entire club, I come to the conclusion that she might still be in the bathroom. I quickly shove my way through the sea of people, earning dirty looks but I don't care. I need to find Lucy. 

I reach the bathrooms and throw open the door to the ladies' one, not caring who sees me. The sight in front of my makes bile rise in my throat.

Lucy is lying in a heap on the white, tiled floor. Blood is seeping out of a spot on her head, and I see some splattered on the sink and floor as well. She is unconscious, and I would rush over and take her to a hospital if it weren't for the man kicking her in the ribs.

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