Part 28

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November 28th

Harry's POV:

"But why? We've never done it before!" I complain as Lucy attacks some potatoes with a kitchen utensil I don't even know the name of. She's attempting to make Thanksgiving dinner, a holiday that I've never celebrated. I mean, it wouldn't make much sense since the day Pilgrims discovered America was a loss for Britain.

"It's an American holiday, and we're in America," she counters. "Jess and I had Thanksgiving last year with her family and it was fun. Besides, there's tons of food so we can invite the boys over. And Connor and Gabe. It's a time for family."

I chuckle and shake my head at her cheesy statement, but agree to go along anyway. I have to admit, it does sound nice. There will be good food and all our friends, and the Packers are playing so that's a bonus.

I am so glad I bought this apartment for Lucy. These are the things to live for, the things that make me smile just by looking at. My beautiful girl is in the kitchen with her hair tied in a bun at 8 AM with me. In our apartment. I know that everything I've done that got me to this point was worth it because here I am with the girl I love and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Here babe, take a break," I suggest, walking over and hugging Lucy from behind. She leans into me, pressing her back against my chest as she nods.

"You can invite everyone while I help you cook, alright?" I whisper in her ear and feel goosebumps raise on the skin of her arms.

Lucy gulps and nods while my lips leave trails of kisses up her neck. I love leaving her speechless, it makes me realize her feelings for me again. I still can't believe that she loves me back, but I am honestly so relieved. I love her so much it hurts. That might sound corny, but it's true.

Lucy's lips find mine and she kisses me tenderly, pulling me down to her height by the back of my neck. Another thing I love about her is her height. She's shorter than me but tall for her age, which I find quite sexy. Hell, I find her quite sexy.

"I love you," I remind her when we break apart, my eyes still closed as the light that seeps through the windows warms my body. I can sense her smile as she leaves a lingering kiss on my cheek before her presence disappears completely.

When I open my eyes I am standing alone in the kitchen with a stupid grin plastered onto my face. My god, what is happening to me? She's making me go crazy, and the worst part is that I don't even mind.

Shaking my head at myself, I get started on preparing the huge turkey that Lucy insisted on buying last week. I still don't know why it has to be so huge. Americans. After seasoning and stuffing the turkey I start attempting to put it in the oven. The damn thing is so big that it gets stuck halfway in.

Huffing in annoyance with the dead bird, I try and use my strength to shove it into the oven without any luck. The damn thing just keeps getting stuck. Between the oven racks. Even dead, a bird is causing me trouble.

A giggle sounding from behind me draws my attention to Lucy who is now dressed in a red plaid shirt that is actually mine, some light colored skinny jeans, an a black beanie. The sleeves of her (my) shirt are rolled up to her elbows and the front is unbuttoned, revealing a plain white tank top.

[ Outfit: ]

My breath hitches in my throat at her natural beauty. She doesn't have to be dressed fancy to take my breath away. Well, she doesn't have to be dressed at all...

Mentally scolding myself for my perverted thoughts, I raise my shoulders at Lucy in a shrug. She laughs at me and walks over to the oven to help. Apparently I am just stupid because Lucy fixes the problem in under a minute by removing one of the top oven racks and sliding the turkey in a lot more gracefully than me. Well, as graceful as cooking a turkey can be.

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