Part 30

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December 7th

I yank the blanket back, hurriedly searching for my ringing phone. I hear a clatter on the floor and I quickly stoop to pick it up. 

"Hello?" I answer, awaiting a response from someone on the other end. I hope it's Harry, he's in LA this week and I haven't heard much from him since he left which is odd since he always calls me when he's away.

"Hey, Lucy!" Liam's chocolatey accent floods through the speaker. I can't help the little twinge of disappointment that courses through me at the lack of Harry's voice, but I soon smile at the sound. I haven't heard from Liam in a while either.

"Hi Li, what's up?" I say cheerfully.

"Oh, um, I was just checking to see how you're doing with this whole thing," Liam says slowly as if I'd done something unexpected. 

"What whole thing?" I ask, confused by his words.

"I'm good, I miss you boys!" I continue when Liam doesn't reply. Liam stays silent for a while and I have to check to see if he's still on the other line. 

"Um, have you talked to Harry lately?" he finally asks. His voice is careful, like he's treading on thin ice. He sounds almost sad or disappointed. What is going on?

"No, not since he left. I was thinking about calling him later, why?" The confusion in my tone is evident and I hear Liam's muffled voice in the background. I can't quite hear what he's saying, but I'm sure I hear another voice reply. 

"Okay Lucy, I gotta go. Call me if you need to talk, love you!" And with that the line goes dead. What the hell was that about? 

December 18th

"I have to go to work," Harry says quietly, not meeting my eyes. He's been acting really strange lately, not as affectionate, more distant. I don't know what brought it on, but it makes me sad. I wonder if he's having doubts about our relationship.

"Okay," I reply simply. Maybe his job is just stressing him out. I need to stop doubting myself and his feelings for me. He's proved them time and time again. 

Still, I can't help but feel slightly rejected as Harry stands from the couch and walks straight out the door without so much as a goodbye. It has been the same ever since he got back from LA. Sighing, I open my phone and go on Twitter for the first time in a while. I scroll through my feed until I see a post that catches my eye in the worst way possible.

"@zaynslittlethings: Noooooo! How can Harcy be over? They seemed so happy, why is this happening??? Stupid Hendall, Harcy was way better."

Harcy...That was Harry and I's couple name. Why do fans think we are broken up? And what the hell is Hendall? Is Harry cheating on me? No, he wouldn't do that. I furiously type 'Hendall' into the search bar and am greatly shocked and hurt by what I see. 

Pictures of Harry and the famous Kendall Jenner are all over the internet. Some of them both in his car, some of him leaving her apartment, some at a ski resort. Harry had been in LA for a week in early December, and ever since he got back five days ago he's been acting weird. Well, I guess I found out why.

Angry tears spring in my eyes as I look at the photos. How could he do this? I mean, I can't say I blame him because if we're being honest here, no one would want to be with me over Kendall Jenner. Look at her. She's gorgeous, skinny, rich, talented, everything I'm not. I thought I at least had Harry, but I guess I'm proved wrong once again.

I blink back my foolish tears, refusing to let them fall. I have to confront Harry about this. I need to at least find out why he would betray me. I love him, I love him with all my heart. He has my heart and I trusted him with it. And now that he's taken it I feel empty, like I can't stop loving him but I have nothing left to love with. Numbness takes over my body and I can't find it in me to even move from my fetal position.

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