Part 11

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Lucy's POV:

The deafening roar of the crowd fills my ears as I watch the boys say their goodbyes to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The boys get into a line with their arms around each other. From left to right it goes: Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry. They all take a bow and the screams get louder as they walk off stage to where I'm standing. Niall walks up to me and wraps me in a sweaty hug, taking me by surprise.

"Arghh!" I scream as some of his sweat is transferred to me. "Ni, ew! You're all sweaty!" Niall just laughs loudly but he lets me go. I run over to Harry and wipe my arms  on his shirt. 

"There. Now you have Nialler sweat all over you," I say triumphantly as I smirk at him.

Harry considers this for a moment before grabbing me by the hips and swinging me up over his shoulder. I scream at him to put me down, but of course he doesn't listen. He wraps an arm around my thighs, pinning me to his shoulder. I punch and slap his back, but it seems to have no effect on him. He just laughs and his shoulders shake beneath me. He then carries me over to where the other boys are laughing at us and I stop yelling at him. 

"Is one of you gonna help me?" I ask the boys, glaring at them all. 

"Nope!" Louis says, popping the 'p'. I sigh in defeat as I slump over Harry's shoulder. He's still laughing, which annoys me. I take a chunk of his hair and yank it a little harder than he would be okay with. 

"Oi!" he yells, releasing me to bring his hands up to the spot where I pulled. I slide down and land lightly on my feet, sticking my tongue out at him as the rest of the boys applaud me. I just laugh as Harry pouts, rubbing the back of his head. 

"C'mon, Curly. We gotta go to the pool back at the hotel! It's so hot here!" I whine, looking up at him with the puppy face. Harry laughs and nods. 

"You too, guys! Come onnn, I'm so hot!" I say to the rest of the band. It's true, I'm sweating from just standing here. It's August 13th and the tour bus had had some difficulties so we were staying in a hotel until it got fixed. The arena was only about five minutes from the hotel (driving), so I was eager to go back and go in the pool. The boys' concert was a day concert, so right now it's only 4:00. 

"That you are," Harry mutters, flashing me a cheesy grin and a wink. I slap his chest playfully and I feel my cheeks heating up. Ugh, why do I always have to blush? It's so annoying and it gives away my emotions. 

I roll my eyes as Harry chuckles and leads the way out the door to the awaiting van. When we're all piled in, the driver turns the key. A funny noise comes from the car, but it doesn't start. The man tries again and the same thing happens. 

"Um, it looks like we have a problem. The battery is dead," the driver speaks up, swiveling in his seat so he's facing us. "I can call another one if you'd like, or we can wait for someone to jump-start it."

I turn to face the boys, raising an eyebrow in question. 

"Let's walk," Harry says. "It's not that far, and we have Preston here to help us out with any paps or fans." He gestures to the burly man sitting in the passenger seat. 

"I don't know, Harry. It's a long walk and I don't want you getting mobbed," says Randy, the driver. 

"Nonsense. It's not a long walk at all. And like I said, we have Preston. We'll be fine," Harry insists, already opening the door.

"Fine," Randy sighs. "Call Paul if you have any trouble, he'll come pick you up."

We all slide out of the van and start walking in the direction of the hotel, Preston leading the way. Liam and I are behind Preston, and then the rest of the lads are goofing off behind us.

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