Part 4

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Lucy's POV:

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, we're hereeee!" Jess says, giving me an excited look before returning her eyes to the road. We had switched half way through because I didn't want to drive all the way to New Jersey. She almost squeals as we finally pull into the beyond crowded parking lot at MetLife Stadium. It was now 4:30 in the afternoon, and my butterflies were only getting worse.

Aside from the fact that I'd be seeing my now famous best friend who I hadn't seen in over 2 years, Jess is completely obsessed with his band and I still hadn't told her I knew Harry. I mean, she flipped out when I told her I was from Holmes Chapel because she recognized it as the place where the famous Harry Styles grew up. I lied and told her I didn't know him, because back then it was still very painful to think about him. It still is, but it's gotten a bit better. At least that's what I tell myself so as not to sound too pathetic. 

We end up parking really far away from where we need to be, so by the time we are in front of the double doors that say 'VIP ONLY', it's already 4:55. Jess and I are unsure of what to do, so we just stand there and look around for someone to let us in. Just when I'm about to suggest that we try to go find someone, the door opens abruptly, startling us both. 

"Sorry girls, this is for VIP only," says the man who opened the door. "Hmmm, speaking of which, two contest winners should be coming soon," he mutters to himself and I raise my eyebrows at him. He finally puts together the pieces and apologizes. "Oh man, I'm sorry. You're the radio contest winners, right?" We both nod, Jess a little more aggressively than me. The man looks at our passes, and after giving them the O.K., he leads us through the doors. "I'm Paul, by the way. The boys' tour manager," he informs us. I can tell by the look on Jess's face that she already knew who he was.Paul leads us down a long, white hallway and finally stops at a set of doors on the left side.

He inserts a key and swings the door open. I scan the room, my eyes first landing on a blonde haired boy in the corner of the room who appears to be eating something white and fluffy. Popcorn, maybe? Next, my eyes sweep over a muscular guy with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I look to his right and see another light brown haired, blue eyed boy who is wearing a navy blue blazer and laughing loudly at a fourth boy with dark hair dressed in a Varsity jacket. Finally, in the far corner of the room, I see the only guy that really has any significance to me at the moment. Harry. His curls are swept back, not falling across his forehead the way I remember. He is also a lot taller then I remember, and much more muscular. Harry has always been devilishly handsome, but he appears more so now than before he left. He is sitting on a small, red couch frowning down at his phone and I realize now just how much I've missed this boy.

I'm still staring at him when Jess squeals loudly at the sight of her favorite band. Their heads all turn towards the noise, and my brown eyes immediately lock with Harry's green ones. His expression goes from confusion to one of shock and his eyes widen at the sight of me. I stand there with my mouth slightly open as his eyes rake down my body, taking me in. As the rest of the boys are laughing and greeting Jess, Harry stands and walks over to me.

"Lu-Lucy?" Harry stammers, stopping about a two feet in front of me. Relief washes over me as the nagging fear I had that he wouldn't remember me is lifted off of my shoulders.

"Hi Harry," I say quietly, giving him a shy smile. Before I even know what's happening, Harry's long, strong arms are wrapped around my waist as he pulls me in for one of his hugs that I've missed so much. My arms go around him, one draped over his neck and one wrapped around his hard torso. I hug him tight, and he does the same before we both release, revealing a grinning Harry. I can't help but return the smile.

I look over to see if anyone noticed our reunion. Jess is caught up in a conversation with 3 of the darker-haired boys. I search the room for the blonde one and jump when I see him standing behind me.

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