Part 48

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[This book is the biggest source of guilt for me. I realized it has been over 9 months since I updated and that is unacceptable. (LUCY COULD HAVE HAD HER BABY IN THAT TIME!!) I realize that even though I may not be as into this story as I once was, I still have readers to whom it's not fair to just stop writing, so I would like to sincerely apologize for my lack of commitment to this book. It will be over soon, and then I have almost 20 parts already written of a new, much better written story I have been working on that I think you guys will really enjoy. Once again, I am so sorry and I will try to have this finished ASAP. Love you guys thank you for your patience. Also, MERRY CHRISTMAS if you celebrate! I made sure I finished it by the holidays so it could be a present for you guys. Hope you enjoy, sorry again.]

Lucy's POV:

"Alright, see you soon," I say to Harry before hanging up the phone. He's at the studio while I am cooking mac n cheese at the huge house he bought in LA. Apparently he has owned it for quite some time, I just never knew. Which is odd, considering he's my husband.

A smile graces my face as I think the word to myself. Associating that word with Harry brings me so much joy, it's indescribable. He was always so loving before we married, but after the wedding he has been even more so. Like our wedding night. He was just perfect.....


"Harry!" I giggle, feeling his strong arms sweep me of my feet. God, I wish I could see him right now. I just know he looks so damn hot in that suit, but a black piece of cloth is obstructing my view.

"Harry take off the blindfold or so help me I will-"

He surprises me by pressing his lips against mine, silencing my complaints. Once he pulls away, I sigh and reach up to feel for his face. Once my hands are on both of his cheeks, I pull him down to kiss me again, but this time I shift in his arms so my legs are wrapped around his waist the way we both like it.

"Mmm babe, alright," Harry mumbles, and I feel his fingers working at the knot on the back of my head.

When the blindfold finally falls away, I don't even look at my surroundings. Instead, I focus on the man in front of me. His long hair is disheveled, and his lips are swollen from being kissed. His cheeks are rosy and his eyes are full of light like I've never seen them.

I lean in and kiss his plump lips once more, this time truly appreciating the feeling of his mouth working against mine. My god, is he good with his tongue.

When we finally break apart, I take it upon myself to look around at where we are. We're standing in what appears to be a hotel room, but it's nothing like one I've ever seen. The room is lit only by candles that illuminate a large, white bed covered in rose petals.

"I actually can't get over how cliche you are," I finally say, returning my gaze to a grinning Harry.

"Wait till you see the bathtub," he muses, and I groan to hide the fact that I love it when he's cheesy. Harry laughs before capturing my lips in a kiss that I return eagerly.

"What were you saying about a bathtub?" I mutter and feel his lips curve into a smile against mine. Harry nods his head toward a closed door that he soon opens to reveal a very large jacuzzi bathtub filled with bubbles, hot water, and, of course, more rose petals. I roll my eyes, causing Harry to mock me, which makes me giggle.

"I love you so much," I say breathlessly. 

"I love you more," Harry smirks, pulling me into his embrace.

His fingertips rest lightly on my hips, from where they inch their way to the zipper at the back of my dress. Harry ever so gently pulls the zipper down and turns me around so that he can press soft kisses to my newly exposed back and neck. I reach behind me and allow my fingers to find Harry's hair and wind themselves into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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