Part 44

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Lucy's POV

The words rush out of my mouth before I can stop them and I feel my eyes widen, my hand flying to cover my mouth. Harry's hands drop to his sides as a shocked expression crosses his face, his mouth falling open and his eyes wide.

I wait for him to smile or say something, but he remains there staring at me completely still and silent until I can't hold it in any more. My hands raise to cover my face as I push past a motionless Harry and run to the bedroom, collapsing on the bed while dissolving into tears.

I'm so young; I'm only eighteen. Eighteen is young to be married, let alone to be pregnant. And Harry is only twenty and in the middle of his massive, time consuming career. He can't possibly want a child, or even want me at this point. I've ruined everything for him.

What is really minutes feels like hours that I spend on the bed, crying, until I hear Harry enter the room.

"Lucy," he speaks softly, and I bury my face in the pillow so I don't have to see his beautiful face that must be laced with disappointment.

"I'm so sorry Harry," I sob into the pillow, my body shaking.

"Baby, baby, no," Harry says, his voice much closer now as he stands above me. I feel the bed dip down as Harry places his knees on either side of my hips, stroking the hair on the back of my head.

He grips my shoulders and turns me over so I'm forced to look up at his concern filled face. I can see the pain in his expression as he stares down at me, and my heart clenches.

"Why do you constantly doubt my unconditional love for you?"

My bottom lip quivers before Harry leans down and captures it with both of his own, gently sucking before pulling away.

"I know we're young, but I love you and I want kids, so if it's going to be now or later, I don't care. I want them and I want you."

His words ease some of the tension in my throat, but there are so many unsolved issues still.

"I'm such a mess right now," I whisper, my voice thick and quiet. "I'm just learning to care for myself and I don't want to put our child through that."

Harry's face softens but saddens at the same time.

"Then I'll take care of both of you. You're my number one priority and there is nothing I wouldn't do to ensure your safety and happiness, which now means our child's as well."

I can't stop the doubt that still consumes me, even as Harry counters every problem I throw at him.

"But Harry, your would be gone so much, and probably gone when the baby is due, and-"

"I will make sure I don't miss a thing," he assures me, rubbing my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, and I believe him. I know he loves me and I know he will love our kid with everything he has.

I reach for Harry's face and pull him down to connect our lips, feeling my doubt wash away while he kisses me. When we finally break apart, his lips travel over my cheeks, kissing away my fresh tears before descending down the skin of my jaw and neck.

"I'm not even sure yet," I sigh, although I'm almost positive. "The last time know...was in your car and that, along with the morning sickness and the absence of my period, adds up to this. We really should get a test though."

I feel Harry smile and nod against my neck as he continues to kiss me there and I sigh, my eyes fluttering closed as my hands find their place in his hair.

"Luce, I miss you so much," Harry whispers, resting his forehead on my shoulder. I lean my cheek against his face and leave my eyes closed, breathing in his scent.

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