Part 9

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Harry's POV:

"Harry, get up." A voice wakes me from my deep sleep and my eyes flutter open. When they finally focus, I see Lucy standing over me. "You have a show tonight in Massachusetts, remember?" she reminds me. Shit. That means she has to leave and so do I. I groan and roll onto my stomach, trying to fall back asleep. 

"No way, Haz. You have to get up, it's nine o'clock," she says and the warmth from my blankets is suddenly gone. 

"Hey!" I exclaim, shooting up into a sitting position. She's wearing a confident smirk on her face and I narrow my eyes at her. "If you wanted to see me in my boxers, you could have just asked," I say with a wink. My words have the desired effect on her and her smirk disappears as it's replaced by a scowl, a blush also creeping into her cheeks. 

"In your dreams Styles," she says and tosses a pillow at me. I laugh and catch it before it can hit my face. "Seriously, get up. The rest of the boys are already up and are headed over here any minute." She then leaves the room so I can get dressed.

I quickly slip on sweats and a cut-off tank top before heading out to find Lucy. She's sitting on the counter top eating a yogurt from the hotel breakfast bar. She glances my way as I enter the kitchen and hop up to sit beside her before grabbing her yogurt and taking a spoonful. 

"Hey! That's mine!" she scolds and snatches the cup back from my large hand. I chuckle and am about to reply when there is a sharp knock on the door. I slide off the counter and Lucy follows me to the door. When I open it, all the boys are standing outside.

"Lucy!" they all yell, pushing past me and smothering Lucy in a massive group hug. Okay? I don't know why, but a pang of jealousy hits me when I see them all hugging her and her laughing and beaming back at them. I ignore it and speak.

"What, so now you guys like her more?" I ask them jokingly with a grin of my own.

"Sorry Hazza, it's inevitable. She's like a better, girl-version of you!" Louis shouts and my jaw drops. Did he actually just say that? Does he actually mean that? Of course not, its Lou. 

"Ha, ha, very funny Lou," I mumble and Lucy gives me an apologetic smile, mouthing a 'sorry'. This girl is always apologizing for things that aren't even her fault. I roll my eyes and glare at Louis. "Where's El? And Dani and Perrie?" I ask when I don't see the three girls who spent the night last night.

"Oh, they're still sleeping and going back home later today. We woke them to say goodbye but then let them sleep more," Louis explains and I nod.

"So when are you guys leaving?" Lucy asks us, hopping back up to her spot on the counter. 

"In an hour," Niall answers as he hops up to her right. Her face falls slightly and her smile falters but she recovers before anyone but me can notice. My stomach drops to the floor when I realize we'll be leaving so soon. I just want her to stay... 

"Wait!" I exclaim, an idea dawning on me. Why didn't I suggest this before? "Lucy can come on the North American part of the tour with us!" She looks shocked but the rest of the boys are cheering and agreeing. 

"Yeah! That would be awesome!" Niall says, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Lucy glares at me and I raise an eyebrow in question. I hope she will agree to this, it would mean everything to me. I don't now if I could bear to leave her after only seeing her for a day, especially after what she told me about her family. 

"Wh-what? No, I couldn't. You guys have to leave in an hour and I don't have anything packed, I'm completely unprepared and besides, I probably won't even be allowed and I don't want to intrude." The rushed words tumble from her mouth and I immediately hurry to ease her worries.

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