Part 17

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Harry's POV:

It is now the last day of August, also the last day of the American tour. The boys and I are currently running off stage after our concert at Soldier Field, Chicago. It was one of the loudest crowds yet, and I am now extremely sweaty. 

As I jog backstage, I spot Lucy holding Lux and talking to Lou. I stop in my tracks and feel a smile forming on my face at the sight. I hear Louis run up behind me and then stop next to me.

"Dude, just ask her out!" Louis whines. Yes, I had told him that I fancy Lucy. He had picked up on it anyway, and I can't lie to him. I made him promise not to tell anyone though, I'm not ready for that yet. 

"No! It's not that simple, she's my best friend and has been since we were born," I say, shoving Louis' shoulder. "It could ruin that, and she doesn't like me back anyway."

Louis rolls his eyes and shakes his head before heading over to where Lucy, Lux, and Lou are. I run after him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I can hear the other boys following me.

Lucy glances over when she hears me coming, and I give her a smile. She smiles brightly at me, showing off her braces that just add to her cuteness.

When I reach them, I hold out my arms to take my adorable goddaughter. Lucy hands her over, smiling as I kiss Lux on the nose and tuck my arm under her. Lux giggles and I stroke her wispy hair as the rest of the boys join us.

"So, you guys are off! What're you plans for your long break 'till you gotta go to Australia?" Lou asks.

"Well, Lucy and I are going back home tomorrow. We both grew up there, and we're staying with my family," I explain, and Lucy smiles warmly at me. As the rest of the boys tell Lou their plans, I can't help but stare at Lucy. 

Her eyebrows are slightly raised as she listens intently to the boys talk. She's wearing a light tan leather jacket over light green tank top and black shorts. She has a beanie on to cover her long hair and she looks gorgeous. This probably sounds really corny, but she doesn't have a clue as to how beautiful she is.

She doesn't know this, but I can tell how insecure she is. Every time someone compliments her, she just laughs and shakes her head and I can see it in her eyes that she truly doesn't believe what people tell her. I've caught her a couple times just staring in the mirror with a disappointed look on her face. She'd run a hand through her hair and sigh. I always left before she could notice me though. 

It makes me really sad to see that Lucy can't realize how beautiful she really is. Countless people have told her, but she just never seems to accept or believe it. 

Lucy's eyes shift over to meet mine and I try to look away quickly, but I know she can tell I was staring. I feel my cheeks heat a bit, but I keep my eyes focused on Niall as he talks about finally being able to go home. 

Soon enough, it's time for us to all go back to the tour bus. Once we arrive, Lucy and I head upstairs to get packed for the trip to Holmes Chapel. 

"When is our flight?" Lucy asks me in a sweet voice. 

"Twelve thirty, so we should probably leave at about eleven to get to the airport an hour early," I reply and Lucy nods.

I had gotten the tickets about four days ago online, and to be honest I was actually really excited about going home, especially with Lucy coming with me. It had been a while since I had seen my family, and even longer since Lucy had. My family is going to be an even more important part in her life now that her biological family is gone. 

I shove everything I need for the next week in my suitcase, and throw it under my bed before jogging down the stairs to join everyone else in the living room. I find them all eating Skittles. Zayn has his own pack and is eating them in a corner while Lucy, Liam, Louis, and Niall are throwing Skittles up to catch in their mouths.

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