Part 38

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(Warning: adult content)

Lucy's POV:

*3 days later*

The morning light that streams through that small cracks where the curtains don't quite touch is always what wakes me up in the morning. This morning is the same, and the warmth of the suns rays combined with Harry's body pressed against mine envelopes me in comfort. 

"Today is the day," Harry's raspy morning voice mumbles in my ear, surprising me a bit, but then causing a smile to spread across my face. Harry's forearm rests on my stomach, and I trace patterns on his smooth skin under the covers, lightly nudging his arm away from my skin. I hate it when Harry touches my stomach because its too pudgy and I don't want him to feel that. 

"Yes, I suppose it is," I reply, lifting his hand from my stomach and bringing it to my lips, kissing it. 

"Mum's going to go mental," Harry chuckles, squeezing my hand. I roll over so I'm facing Harry, getting rewarded with his dazzling smile and messy morning hair. He's such a beautiful human being. I lean in and press my lips firmly to his, tangling my hands in his hair while his large hands grip my waist and pull me so I'm lying completely on top of him.

"Let's do it," I whisper, forcing myself to pull away from his addictive kiss. Harry sighs but I know he agrees so I climb off the bed and off of him to walk out into the kitchen. I can feel Harry's presence behind me as I make my way to where I hear the voices of Anne, Gemma, and Robin making breakfast. 

"Wait," Harry grabs my arm stopping me from going any further. "The ring." He rushes back down the hall to retrieve the beautiful ring he got for me after he was released from the hospital. I haven't been wearing it here because we were waiting to announce our engagement, but now is the perfect time to put it on. 

Harry returns, messy hair and all, with the diamond ring in his palm. His brows pull together in concentration as he slides it onto the fourth finger of my left hand. It looks so natural there, yet feels so foreign. I slip two fingers under Harry's chin and place my lips over his, kissing him softly while he laces his fingers through mine. 

"Good morning, you two," Anne says warmly when she sees us walk into the kitchen, our hands intertwined so my ring isn't visible yet.

"Morning, Mum," Harry greets her with a sloppy smile, squeezing my hand in reassurance. 

"We have a bit of an announcement," he continues, turning his head to grin at me. 

"Oh god, Lucy, are you pregnant?" Gemma squeals, running over to hug me. I can already feel my face getting hot, and I'm sure I resemble a tomato right about now. 

"No!" I quickly say, brushing Gemma off. "God, no." Harry frowns, but recovers and lifts up our hands so that mine is facing his family. The ring is clearly visible, and Gemma and Anne both let out a squeak while their hands jump to cover their mouths. 

While the two women smother us with hugs, I make eye contact with Robin over Gemma's shoulder and he gives me a knowing smile, which I return.

The rest of the afternoon is a blur, answering questions about the engagement, the wedding plans, the dress, the guest list, and more. I knew Gemma and Anne would be excited, but I can honestly say I was not prepared for their level of interest in planning the wedding. I'm beginning to question why I didn't just call them the minute Harry proposed and let them handle the whole thing. 

"I love you," Harry mumbles his hand resting on the small of my back as we stand comfortably in front of the fire, breaking me free of my thoughts. Gemma and Anne are now crowded around Robin, taking his measurements and deciding if the suit he already has will be fit for our wedding. 

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