Part 19

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Lucy's POV:

"So, what time is our date?" I ask Harry, poking his dimple as he lies next to me on the couch. It's our fourth day here, and I can already tell I'm going to miss it when we go back.

"Six-thirty," he replies in his adorable accent. My own accent has somewhat diminished since I moved to New York, but it's still there. It's even more prominent now that more people around me are British. 

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to dinner - a fancy place, so dress fancy - and that's all I'm going to tell you," he says smugly. I sigh and roll my eyes, knowing that I won't be able to get any more out of him. 

I ruffle Harry's hair before standing up and walking to the kitchen. It's about 4:00 and Anne is home early. She's making soup for dinner, so I decide to help out. Not that Harry or I will be here to eat it. 

"Hey Anne," I say, smiling at her. 

"Hello, dear."

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"Oh! Yes, please! Could you chop up those onions for me?" she says sweetly. I nod and take the onions over to the cutting board. I have just begun to cut the first one in half when Anne speaks. 

"So, I don't mean to pry, but I overheard a conversation between you and Harry," she begins. I feel my cheeks heat and I give her a small smile. 

"I think it's wonderful that you two are dating, you're such a lovely girl and you're like a daughter to me. Hopefully one day you will be, legally. If you know what I mean."

I flush even deeper and my eyes widen at the mention of Harry and I getting married. I think I would've choked if I had been drinking anything.  We haven't even been on a first date yet, but I can't help but wish that there will be many more after this one. I also have never dated anyone before so I have no idea what I'm doing.

Hopefully Harry will help me, if he even wants me to be his girlfriend. Maybe after going on a couple dates with me he'll realize that I'm really nothing special and decide we're better off as friends...No, I can't let myself think like that. 

"O-oh, um, well," I stutter, but Anne cuts me off. 

"Don't worry, love," she chuckles. "I don't expect that any time soon."

I breathe a sigh of relief and continue chopping. I can feel tears burning in my eyes from the onions and I blink to let them fall. I hate chopping onions. 

"Lucy, what's wrong?" Harry's voice says and my head snaps up. He's walking into the kitchen and his green eyes are filled with concern. I burst out laughing, wiping the fallen tears from my cheeks. Harry looks perplexed until he notices the onions. He then joins in laughing with me, as does Anne. 

"Whatever," Harry grumbles, still laughing. I wink at him and he chuckles as he runs a large hand through his curls.

I continue cutting up the onions, only letting a couple more tears escape. I then start on the carrots and finally the celery and then I'm done.

By now it's about 5:00 so I decide to get ready for the date. First, I take a shower and blow dry my hair to perfection. I then French braid it starting at the top right side of my head and going down to the left side where I put it in a bun. Jess has taught me all kinds of hair styles, so I can do my hair many different ways.

I remember Harry telling me to dress fancy so I dig through my bag to find something. I finally come up with a short sleeved white dress that goes down to my mid thigh and has a sheer part above the sweetheart neckline. I pair it with some nude stilettos and gold hoop earrings. 

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